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[宠物养护] Bobbie小马哥—生食篇 [复制链接]

发表于 2013-12-30 12:33 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 crystal08418 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 crystal08418 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Bobbie嘛 Lucas现在每天吃得量本来就少于正常该喂的量 现在如果要减体重 还得多加点蔬菜替换掉狗粮或者是生肉吗
他身材主要问题就是胸围大 其实从小就这样 肚子大大的 跟他一起上pre school的拉拉 小时候身材比他细比他轻很多 现在长大了还是很细 同样的个头那个小伙伴才20kg 他都30了

发表于 2013-12-30 21:52 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 marciameng 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 marciameng 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
crystal08418 发表于 2013-12-30 11:28
上次买了cabbage 发现Lucas超级爱!!嚼得嘎嘣嘎嘣的,Liver之前是喂的干的treats 小时候是不吃 现在能勉 ...


发表于 2013-12-31 10:54 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 marciameng 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 marciameng 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
crystal08418 发表于 2013-12-30 11:33
Bobbie嘛 Lucas现在每天吃得量本来就少于正常该喂的量 现在如果要减体重 还得多加点蔬菜替换掉狗粮或者是生 ...

加胡罗卜或南瓜,sweet potato. beetroot. 根茎类的食物,也会让他们有饱足感。 不过南瓜和sweet potato  我会蒸熟。


参与人数 1积分 +4 收起 理由
crystal08418 + 4 感谢分享


发表于 2014-1-27 20:27 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 marciameng 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 marciameng 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

Raw Diets for Dogs: Getting Enough Vitamins and Minerals


Enhances immunity, prevents eye problems and skin disorders. Important in bone and teeth formation. Protects against colds and infection. Slows aging process.

MEAT SOURCES: Chicken, pork, egg, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardines, liver, kidney, brain, tuna

HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, borage leaves, burdock root, cayenne, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, hops, horsetail, kelp, lemongrass, mullein, nettle, oat straw, paprika, parsley, peppermint, plantain, raspberry leaves, red clover, rose hips, sage, uva ursi, violet leaves, watercress, yellow dock

VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine)
Promotes growth, improves mental attitude, aids digestion, helps strengthen nervous system and prevent stress.

MEAT SOURCES: Liver, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, bladder wrack, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, hops, nettle, oat straw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaves, red clover, rose hips, sage, yarrow, and yellow dock

VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin)
Needed for red blood cell formation, aids growth and reproduction, promotes hair, skin and nail growth. Important in the prevention and treatment of cataracts.

MEAT SOURCES: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, bladder wrack, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, ginseng, hops, horsetail, mullein, nettle, oat straw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaves, red clover, rose hips, sage, yellow dock

VITAMIN B3 (Niacin)
Essential for proper circulation and healthy skin. Increases energy, aids digestion, helps prevent migraines.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine, tuna
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, hops, licorice, mullein, nettle, oat straw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hips, slippery elm, yellow dock

VITAMIN B5 (Panothenic Acid)
Enhances stamina, prevents anemia, helps wounds heal, fights infection, strengthens immune system.
MEAT SOURCES: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, nettle, yellow dock

VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine)
Needed to produce hydrochloric acid. Aids in absorption of fats, and protein. Mildly diuretic, helps prevent kidney stones. Helpful in treating allergies, arthritis, and asthma.
MEAT SOURCES: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, catnip, oat straw

VITAMIN B9 (Folate, Folic Acid)
MEAT SOURCES: Liver, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Rosemary, dandelion, parsley, spirulina

VITAMIN B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Helps prevent anemia. Protects nervous system, improves concentration, and aids digestion.
MEAT SOURCES: Liver, heart, kidney, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine

HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, bladderwrack, hops

VITAMIN C (Ascorbic acid)
Helps calcium and iron formation. Enhances immunity. Helps prevent cancer. Aids in production of anti-stress hormones. Antioxidant required for proper tissue growth and repair, and adrenal gland function.
MEAT SOURCES: Liver, kidney, heart, fish
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, hops, horsetail, kelp, peppermint, mullein, nettle, oat straw, paprika, parsley, pine needle, plantain, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hips, skullcap, violet leaves, yarrow, yellow dock

Essential for calcium and phosphorous utilization. Prevents rickets. Needed for normal growth of bones and teeth. Helps regulate heartbeat. Prevents cancer and enhances immunity. Aids thyroid function and blood clotting.
MEAT SOURCES: Egg, sardine, liver, kidney, salmon, tuna
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, horsetail, nettle, parsley

Antioxidant which helps prevent cancer and heart disease. Prevents cell damage. Reduces blood pressure and promotes healthy skin and hair.
MEAT SOURCES: Ostrich, buffalo, egg, halibut, haddock, sardine, kidney, liver, brain
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, bladder wrack, dandelion, dong quai, flaxseed, nettle, oat straw, raspberry leaf, rose hips

Promotes healthy liver function. Helps bone formation and repair. Increases longevity.
MEAT SOURCES: Egg, halibut, haddock, sardine, liver
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, green tea, kelp, nettle, oat straw, shepherds purse



Builds and protects bones and teeth. Helps maintain regular heartbeat. Prevents muscle cramping.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine

HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, dandelion, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, flaxseed, hops, horsetail, kelp, lemongrass, mullein, nettle, oat straw, paprika, parsley, peppermint, plantain, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hips, shepherd’s purse, violet leaves, yarrow, yellow dock

Converts iron to hemoglobin. Protects against anemia. Needed for healthy bones and joints.
MEAT SOURCES: Chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Sheep sorrel

Needed in trace amounts for a healthy thyroid gland, and to help metabolize excess fat.
MEAT SOURCES: Salmon, haddock, seafood, egg
HERBAL SOURCES: calendula, tarragon leaves, turkey rhubarb

Essential for metabolism, and the production of hemoglobin.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, dandelion, dong quai, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, horsetail, kelp, lemongrass, licorice, milk thistle seed, mullein, nettle, oatstraw, paprika, parsley, peppermint, plantain, raspberry leaf, rose hips, sarsaparilla, shepherd’s purse, uva ursi, yellow dock

Prevents calcification of soft tissue, Helps reduce and dissolve calcium phosphate kidney stones. Helps prevent birth defects and Improves cardiovascular system.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, bladder wrack, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, dandelion, eyebright, fennel, fenugreek, hops, horsetail, lemongrass, licorice, mullein, nettle, oat straw, paprika, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, red clover, sage, shepherd’s purse, yarrow, yellow dock

Minute quantities of this mineral are needed for healthy nerves, blood sugar regulation, normal bone growth, and thyroid hormone production.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, haddock, halibut, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, chamomile, chickweed, dandelion, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, ginseng, hops, horsetail, lemongrass, mullein, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hip, wild yam, yarrow, yellow dock


Needed for teeth and bone formation, nerve impulse transfer, normal heart rhythm, and kidney function.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Burdock root, turkey rhubarb, slippery elm bark


Regulates water balance, and muscle function. Important for health nervous system and regular heart rhythm.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Catnip, hops, horsetail, nettle, plantain, red clover, sage, skullcap


Provides an important trace element for prostrate gland in males. Protects immune system and helps regulate thyroid hormones.
MEAT SOURCES: Rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine

HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, fennel seed, ginseng, garlic, hawthorn berry, hops, horsetail, lemongrass, milk thistle nettle, oat straw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, rose hips, sarsaparilla, uva ursi, yarrow, yellow dock

Promotes growth and mental alertness. Accelerates healing. Regulates oil glands. Promotes healthy immune system, and healing of wounds.
MEAT SOURCES: rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, goat, ostrich, buffalo, egg, beef, salmon, halibut, haddock, sardine
HERBAL SOURCES: Alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, dandelion, eyebright, fennel seed, hops, milk thistle, mullein, nettle, parsley, rose hips, sage, sarsaparilla, skullcap, wild yam

*If you aren’t familiar with nutritional herbs, it’s a good idea to check out their contraindications before using them. A great reference is Herbal Remedies for Dogs & Cats by Gregory L Tilford.

发表于 2014-1-27 22:35 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 marciameng 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 marciameng 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Why Your Dog Needs Organ Meats

Compared to regular cuts of muscle meat, organ meats are more densely packed with just about every nutrient, including heavy doses of B vitamins such as: B1, B2, B6, folic acid and vitamin B12.
Organ meats are also loaded with minerals like phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium and iodine, and provide the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. It is important to note that animals raised outside on grass contain even higher levels of these essential nutrients than their grain-fed counterparts.

Try all of the organ meats, including lung, kidney, and pancreas – anything you can get your hands on!  You and your dog will get over the sickliness factor once you see the great health benefits!
A Natural Source of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins (actually a hormone precursor) and regulates numerous functions in the body.  Vitamin D deficiency is related to muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases. It’s especially important for those who live at higher latitudes and receive less sun (since sun exposure is the best source of Vitamin D).

Organ meats are known to have some of the highest concentrations of naturally occurring vitamin D of any food source, and including a source of organ meats into your dog’s diet once or twice a week, is a great idea – especially in the winter time when vitamin D deficiency is most likely to happen.

Organ meats also contain high amounts of the essential fatty acids such as arachidonic acid, and omega-3 fats, including EPA and DHA. Despite popular belief, fish and fish oils are not the only source of the important EPA and DHA… organ meats are loaded with these important nutrients.

Some dogs (and humans) find organ meats a bit icky at first. If your dog doesn’t like the taste or texture of organ meat, you can add smaller amounts of ground organ meats to your dog’s meals daily.

What about Liver?

People usually ask about the safety of liver. It is the liver’s job to neutralize toxins in the body from drugs or other chemicals, so obviously the best choice for liver is the grass fed kind, without added antibiotics or hormones. But don’t let that scare you away from liver: it filters toxins but doesn’t store them. Muscle meats are typically higher in unwanted toxins than liver.

Liver is also known to be one of the most concentrated sources of natural vitamin A of any food.  Natural vitamin A works to aid digestion, keeps sex organs/reproductive organs healthy, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Liver is a great source of folic Acid, B vitamins and especially vitamin B12, which help with fatigue, mental ability and nerve health, as well as preventing anemia.

Liver also contains one of the best, most usable sources for the body, of iron. Iron is necessary for many functions in the body including formation of hemoglobin, brain development and function, regulation of body temperature, muscle activity and catecholamine metabolism, to name just a few. A lack of iron will have a direct effect on the immune system; it diminishes the number of T- cells and the production of antibodies.
Iron is essential for oxygen to the blood cells. The primary function of iron is oxygen transport and cell respiration. For an anemic person, fatigue is one of the most noticeable symptoms. The iron in liver is one of most easily absorbable and usable sources of iron.

Do you have a performance dog? Liver contains an anti-fatigue factor, which is likely to do with improving the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood cells; increasing endurance and strength in athletes of all species.

Liver contains many nitrogen containing compounds that are building blocks for DNA and RNA. In combination with the B vitamins, this makes it extremely helpful to people with Alzheimers or other types of dementia. Dogs can suffer from dementia as well, so be generous with the liver.
While liver is highly nutritious, its precious nutrients are very much affected by heat, so never cook it or the digestive enzymes and nutrients will be lost.

Get liver into your dog’s regular diet at least once a week if possible for maximum benefit of its high levels of nutrients. But don’t overdo it – if you feed liver as up to 5% of your dog’s diet, you’ll be doing great.

Don’t Forget The Heart

Because it’s a muscle, beef heart is somewhat similar to muscle meat, although it’s a heavier, more dense muscle. But heart meat packs more protein and unique nutrients.
The heart is a very concentrated source of the supernutrient, CoQ10. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is necessary for the basic functioning of cells, as well as optimizing the heart’s rhythm. CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease with age and to be lower in some patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions, cancer, diabetes, and immune disorders.

Beef heart also contains selenium, phosphorus and zinc, along with essential amino acids that help build muscle, store energy and boost stamina and endurance. The heart also contains twice as much collagen and elastin than regular meat, which is important for healthy joints.

If you’re feeding a commercial raw diet, look for whole animal choices so the valuable organ meats are kept intact. Making your own? Just make sure you ask for a wide variety of organ meats.
A little anatomy goes a long ways for raw feeders – find yourself a picture of the chicken or cow’s anatomy and note the size of the organs compared to the size of the animal. This should give you an idea of the amount of each organ your dog should receive. Overall, organ meats (not including heart) should make up about 15% of your dog’s total diet.

What are you waiting for? You can ask your butcher or abattoir for those cheap, icky parts and feel good about cutting your dog’s food costs while giving him a health boost at the same time!

退役斑竹 2011年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2014-1-27 23:03 |显示全部楼层
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你後來找到哪裡能買到green tripe嗎?我這邊還是沒有,只能去pet barn 買冷凍的k9 natural green tripe,之前還斷貨了好久才等到他們又進貨。我有問到SYD有個地方能買到新鮮的,本來想叫Reece爸爸從SYD買回來,可是那麼臭的東西放在車上兩小時,他大概會想把我殺了。

发表于 2014-1-27 23:27 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 marciameng 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 marciameng 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 marciameng 于 2014-1-27 22:29 编辑
YANKS 发表于 2014-1-27 22:03
你後來找到哪裡能買到green tripe嗎?我這邊還是沒有,只能去pet ba ...

我买了 Ziwipeak 的 green trip cans.替代.. 也想买 tripett 可买不到。http://www.petkind.com/tripett

有一个在facebook 认识的朋友, 她有货源, 可人在昆士兰, 她怕寄来会臭掉, 就作罢了

内脏最好生吃, 才会有效果,看来你家的宝贝挺挑嘴的

发表于 2014-1-27 23:29 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 252686095 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 252686095 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

退役斑竹 2011年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2014-1-27 23:37 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 YANKS 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 YANKS 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
marciameng 发表于 2014-1-27 23:27
我买了 Ziwipeak 的 green trip cans.替代.. 也想买 tripett 可买不到。http://www.petkind.com/tripett  ...

我以前也是買罐頭,後來發現petbarn有冷凍的就買冷凍了,罐頭在製造過程中不知道有沒有加熱過,k9 natural那個是生的,壓成顆粒狀。

发表于 2014-1-27 23:55 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 marciameng 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 marciameng 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
好,那我查询一下这里的有没进,等他把罐头的吃完,再买k9的给他, 谢谢了。


发表于 2018-4-4 22:32 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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