本帖最后由 shurman 于 2017-11-3 11:56 编辑
QLD也和NSW一样,有中学生的体育比赛联盟。 The Great Public Schools' Association ofQld Inc 在QLD也简称GPS,一共九所学校,其中只有Brisbane State High School(BSHS) 是唯一的公校并且是混校,其它都是私立男校。BSHS只有男生才能参加GPS。 Aims and Objectives The Great Public Schools' Association of Queensland Inc.(commonly referred to as the GPS) was established with the followingobjectives: a) to promote and conduct various forms of activitiesbetween member schools with a view to fostering a spirit of fellowship, soundeducational practice and mutual support and assistance among schools; b) to promote the welfare and best interests of the GreatPublic Schools of Queensland c) to consider, deliberate upon and deal with educationalmatters and questions of common policy and principle concerning the GreatPublic Schools of Queensland; d) to contribute to and influence the formulation andadvancement of educational policy in Queensland; e) to exercise general supervision and control over thejoint activities of the Great Public Schools of Queensland; and f) to do all such other things as are conducive orincidental to the attainment of the aims and objects set forth above or any ofthem. Member Schools The GPS Schools which are members of the Associationinclude: Anglican Church Grammar School; Brisbane Boys' College; Brisbane Grammar School; Brisbane State High School ; St Joseph's College - Gregory Terrace; Ipswich Grammar School; St Joseph's Nudgee College; The Southport School; and Toowoomba Grammar School Current Activities Sixteen GPS interschool sports and activities are includedin the annual program : Academic Day of Excellence, Basketball, Chess, Cricket,Cross Country, Debating, Football, Gymnastics, Music, Rowing, Rugby Union,Sailing, Swimming, Tennis, Track &Field, and Volleyball. ------------------------------------------------------ 另外有Queensland GirlsSecondary Schools Sports Association(QGSSSA), 也是九所学校, 是女生对应的GPS,也只有BSHS是公校,BSHS的女生参加GQGSSSA。 但还有St Peters Lutheran College是私立混校,StPeters的女生参加QGSSSA,但StPeters的男生不能参加GPS。 A Brief History The Queensland Girls Secondary Schools Sports Association isan association of schools. It aims to provide member schools with opportunitiesto equip young women to meet and enjoy life's challenges. To achieve this aim,the Association seeks to provide quality sporting opportunities and socialinteraction within a school environment, which balances performance,participation, tradition and innovation. 1908 - The formation of an association called SportsAssociation of Secondary Schools of Queensland. Its aim was to "promote afriendly spirit between schools and at the same time deepen and strengthen theloyalty of individual girls to their own school. Members: Brisbane GirlsGrammar School, Somerville House and St Margaret's. There is some evidence tosuggest that Moreton Bay College may have participated in sporting exchanges inthese early years. 1911 - Ipswich Girls Grammar School and St Hilda's joinedthe Association. 1921 - Brisbane State High School joined the Association. Post 1939 - (1939) St Aidan's; (1941) Clayfield College;(1945) Moreton Bay College and (1946) St Peters join the official QGSSSAcompetitions. There have been several other schools who have been membersof the QGSSSA at some time - Girton College Toowoomba, Commercial State HighSchool, University High School, Wynnum High School and Technical College. ------------------------------------------------------ QLD还另外有Associated Independent Colleges (AIC), 也是九所学校,是一些不在GPS的私立学校,除了St Peters的男生外,还有其它8所私立男校的学生。 The Associated Independent Colleges, or AIC, is a group ofindependent secondary schools in south-east Queensland, Australia. With theexception of St Peters Lutheran College, AIC schools are all-boys schools (StPeter's secondary girls compete in the Queensland Girls' Secondary SchoolsSports Association). The AIC was founded in 1998 as an athletic association formale secondary students. All eight colleges were formerly members of TheAssociated Schools (TAS), founded in 1956. Some colleges were originallymembers of the Metropolitan Catholic Schools Association (MCSA), founded in1934. The most prominent sports contested include rugby union,[1][2] cricketand football, as well as swimming and track and field. Membership Iona College, Brisbane Marist College Ashgrove Padua College, Brisbane St Edmund's College, Ipswich St Laurence's College St Patrick's College, Shorncliffe St Peters Lutheran College Villanova College TAS : The Associated Schools The Associated Schools (TAS) is an incorporated bodyinvolving fourteen co-educational independent Queensland secondary schools in avariety of sporting and cultural activities established in 1956 following thedisbanded Metropolitan Secondary School Sports Association in 1955, which hadbeen established in 1950.[1] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Red, Royal Blue and White | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cardinal Red & Bottle Green | | | | | | | | | | Greater Brisbane Conference | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Navy Blue, Green and Gold | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
辩论队昆州除了GPS外,还有Queensland Debating Union, (QDU)., 更多学校参加QDU的辩论赛。 好像各学校更重视QDU的辩论比赛。每年的淘汰赛最后总辩论冠军赛很是热闹。一般年级冠亚军赛的学校会动员全校同年级的学生都去观看。 |