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反对党领袖Tony Abbott说,如果他当选总理,他将修改反种族歧视法,重新启动有关言论自由的讨论。
“(即使)某一特定个人被憎恨嘲讽和蔑视笼罩, 也不能因为有可能冒犯某一群体,就把(避免这种可能性的)行为测试作为一种行为准则。这实在是矫枉过正。”
他再次捍卫新闻集团的专栏作家Andrew Bolt的权利。该作家由于在文章中描述浅肤色的土著人的词句而被判定违反了反种族歧视法。
OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott says he will open new debate about freedom of speech by rolling back racial discrimination laws if elected prime minister.
A coalition government would repeal laws prohibiting statements that offend people on racial or ethnic grounds, Mr Abbott said in an address in Sydney on Monday.
In a speech at an Institute of Public Affairs function, Mr Abbott said that as prime minister, he would remove section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act as part of a "new debate about freedom of speech".
Under the current law, statements are prohibited if they "offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate" people based on race and ethnicity.
"Making the likelihood of causing offence to a group the test of acceptable behaviour goes way beyond the time-honoured remedy when a particular victim has been brought into hatred, ridicule, or contempt," Mr Abbott told the function.
"A hurt feelings test is impossible to comply with while maintaining the fearless pursuit of truth."
Mr Abbott's speech came after he wrote in The Australian newspaper on Monday that section 18C of the act was a "threat" to freedom of speech.
"Expression or advocacy should never be unlawful merely because it is offensive," he wrote.
He again defended News Limited columnist Andrew Bolt, who was ruled to have breached the Racial Discrimination Act in articles he wrote on fair-skinned Aborigines.
The articles, published in 2009, were headlined "It's so hip to be black" and "White fellas in the black".
Mr Abbott said while the articles were not Mr Bolt's finest, the commentator should have been afforded the right of freedom of speech.
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