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[澳洲资讯] 公立学校高等数学教师奇缺 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-6 18:36 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 patrickzhu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 patrickzhu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



全國數學科學委員會(National Committee for the Mathematical Sciences)呼籲政府制定一個全國性的策略,推進數學學科在澳洲的發展。數學科學委員會在報告中稱:“數學教育的不足是整個國家的恥辱。”

數學科學委員會主席Hyam Rubinstein 稱,現在公立學校在吸引合格數學教師方面根本無法與私立學校競爭。



學習高等數學的12年級學生人數下降了20%,從1995年的2.5萬人下降至2007年的2萬人。學習高等數學的12年級學生比例從14%下降至10%,學習中等數學的學生比率從27%下降至21%。相反,學習初等數學的學生比率從37%上升至48%。 (語嫣)


参与人数 2积分 +12 收起 理由
villa + 6 感谢分享
一炷香 + 6 谢谢奉献



退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-3-6 18:38 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 patrickzhu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 patrickzhu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

http://www.theaustralian.news.co ... 016-5013404,00.html

Maths in crisis as teachers go private

Andrew Trounson | March 04, 2009
Article from:  The Australian

ADVANCED mathematics is disappearing from public school classrooms, leaving students able to learn only basic maths, because the few qualified teachers are being snapped up by the private sector.

The shortage of maths teachers will become more acute as fewer students continue maths at university, undermining the nation's skills base in engineering, the sciences and technology, scientists warn.

"The inequitable access to quality mathematics education is a national disgrace," the National Committee for the Mathematical Sciences says in a report calling for a national strategy to boost the discipline.

An estimated 40 per cent of senior school mathematics teachers do not have a maths major, the minimum needed to teach the subject to senior years, the committee believes. That is up from 30 per cent in 1999.

At the same time, university enrolments for maths majors fell almost 14 per cent between 2001 and 2007.

The committee is part of the Australian Academy of Science. Its chairman, Hyam Rubinstein, said state schools could not compete with the private sector for qualified maths teachers.

"Students not having access to (higher level maths) in government schools is really disadvantaging them in a number of important areas of study," Professor Rubinstein said.

"It is just going to make the skills shortage worse because, even with the economic downturn, we need to replace our engineers who are all ageing, and we aren't going to be able to do that if people aren't doing mathematics at school."

The number of Year 12 students studying advanced maths has fallen 20 per cent, from 25,000 in 1995 to 20,000 in 2007. The proportion of Year 12 students studying senior maths has now fallen from 14 per cent to 10per cent, with the proportion taking intermediate maths down from 27 per cent to 21 per cent. In contrast, the proportion studying elementary maths has risen from 37 per cent to 48 per cent.

Mathematical Association of Victoria head Simon Pryor said: "Year 7 and Year 8 are critical years, especially if you are going to get kids to love mathematics."

Mr Pryor said principals, hit by limited resources, were being forced to staff maths classes with teachers lacking maths qualifications.

This year, Mr Pryor took a call from a young teacher at a Victorian state school who last studied maths at school in Year 12. He was desperate for coaching after discovering he had been given a full load teaching maths to Years 10 and 11.

While it is not new for the association to get cries for help from teachers with little maths training, Mr Pryor said he was surprised that senior school students were being taught by teachers lacking maths training.

A senior mathematics teacher, who preferred not to be named, said unqualified maths teachers inevitably could only teach practical maths. As a result students were missing out on the higher, abstract maths required to go on to university study.

The National Committee for the Mathematical Sciences is calling for a national system of mathematics teacher registration. It wants school systems to be able to offer "golden handshakes" to attract mathematicians into teaching. It also wants schools to offer tenure to new maths teachers.

It recommends a widening of the federal Government's HECS discount scheme for science graduates entering teaching to include other degrees that also include maths, such as computer science and engineering.

It also wants the Government to crack down on universities and ensure government money specifically targeted for maths and statistics departments is not spent elsewhere within the universities.

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-3-6 18:40 编辑 ]

发表于 2009-3-7 00:52 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 qikeyuan 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 qikeyuan 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
大家都别学acc了,major in maths好了


发表于 2009-3-7 01:51 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 kingkongfei 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 kingkongfei 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
算了,明年在经济不好找不到工作,我去读个diploma of teaching 教数学去好了

发表于 2009-3-7 13:15 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 韬光养晦 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 韬光养晦 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
哈哈 我3门数学都 学了(paopaobing(88))

发表于 2009-3-7 18:53 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 贝贝妈妈 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 贝贝妈妈 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


发表于 2009-3-7 19:29 |显示全部楼层

回复 6# 的帖子

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发表于 2009-3-8 02:33 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-8 09:15 |显示全部楼层
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