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[澳洲资讯] 家长有望通过网络对比各公立学校 [复制链接]


发表于 2009-4-17 07:20 |显示全部楼层
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在南澳召开的全澳教育及就业培训联席会上,与会者提供了一种新的监督公立学校的方式。如果最终被立法,今后家长们可以通过互联网直接对比公立学校在学生素质,考试成绩以及资金来源等方面的差异。澳洲教育部长Julia Gillard说,与其简单地编排一张以学生学术表现为依据的学校排行榜,政府更致力于提供更详细的数据,以便公众对公立教育体制的监督。


Parents to check schools via internet under education plan

By Justine Ferrari
The Australian
April 17, 2009 12:01am

PARENTS will be able to compare their child's school with others on a website providing information on student characteristics, test results and sources of income under a proposal being considered by the nation's education ministers.

At a meeting of the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs in Adelaide, a report on school reporting proposes a model based on the West Australian website Schools Online that lists details of every public school in the state.

Federal Education Minister Julia Gillard has committed the Rudd Government to transparent reporting of school results and characteristics as a way of identifying and targeting need in the school system, The Australian reports.

Ms Gillard has said the Government will not compile simplistic "league tables" ranking schools based on student performance but provide sophisticated data to hold schools accountable, comparing groups of like schools.

At MCEETYA today, Ms Gillard will push for student results to be published sector by sector, allowing independent schools as a whole to be compared against Catholic and government schools for the first time.

One model under consideration is the model adopted by Western Australia under which every public school reports literacy and numeracy results as well as student and teacher characteristics, enrolment trends, programs and priorities, and attendance.

As well as allowing parents to compare a school with groups of like schools, the report proposes that groups of students within a school are compared with similar groups in other schools.

For example, it would allow governments to track a group of Year 3 students performing well in literacy and numeracy tests with a similar group of students and see how their results changed as they progressed through school.

It is envisaged that the information would be published on a national website, with each school in Australia having its own profile page, with links to its own website and other information.

The plan is to include information on the school environment, the type of school, student enrolment, teacher numbers and level of professional accreditation, student progress through the school, satisfaction surveys of parents, students and teachers and sources of income broken down into the amount earned from different sources such as bequests, investments and fundraising.

The independent sector is uncomfortable with revealing how much its schools earn from independent sources, particularly with a review of the funding system scheduled to begin next year.


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发表于 2009-4-17 16:03 |显示全部楼层
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