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[澳洲资讯] 新南威尔士州的家长有权利知道各学校考试成绩的排名 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-7-7 10:29 |显示全部楼层
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昨天Daily Telegraph报道,


Schools ranked in national league table


By Sue Dunlevy

July 06, 2009 12:00am

PARENTS in NSW will soon be able to compare the performance of their children's school as the Federal Government prepares to override a state ban on publishing school league tables.

Federal Education Minister Julia Gillard said yesterday she planned to publish the results of national tests online, allowing parents to compare school results.

"There's nothing the NSW Parliament can do to stop the Federal Government putting out information and we will,' Ms Gillard said.

The State Opposition and several minor-party members last week voted to ban publishing results with schools breaking the ban facing fines up to $55,000.

The State Government, which agreed to publish the data as part of a funding deal with the Federal Government, lost the vote allowing this in the Upper House.

Every other state will provide their parents with the information, leaving NSW as the only state to keep parents in the dark.

Ms Gillard said the NSW law did not apply to her.

She would put the data on NSW schools on a website that would let parents compare how their school performed in national tests rated against the performance of other schools, she told Channel 10's Meet the Press program yesterday.

Every year students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have their literacy and numeracy skills tested in a national testing program.

The State Opposition education spokesman Adrian Piccoli said yesterday Ms Gillard would not be breaching the NSW ban when she published school test information on her website.

This was because she would not format the information in a way in which schools were ranked from best to worst.


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