原帖由 homeway 于 2008-6-11 13:11 发表 谢谢楼上各位. 请问上述报纸和上述网址的是不是一样呢? 不是所有价格都公布吧? - 比如低于市场价以至中介觉得会影响销售的.
原帖由 SOSHELPPLZ 于 2008-6-8 04:49 发表 恭喜恭喜
原帖由 lifangnan_2000 于 2008-6-6 19:13 发表 我是个builder,你的合同是否是标准合同?酸性土壤对身体基本没有伤害,不过也看酸性程度,应该有数字的。
Residency requirements Both the First Home Owner Grant and First Home Plus Schemes have residency requirements. Under the First Home Owner Grant Scheme, at least one applicant must occupy the home as their principal place of residence for a continuous period of six months commencing within 12 months of settlement or construction of the home. Under First Home Plus and First Home Plus One, if you are buying an existing home: * at least one of the eligible purchasers must occupy the property as their principal place of residence for a continuous period of at least six months, with that occupation starting within 12 months after completion of the agreement or transfer. * in the case of vacant land, the Chief Commissioner must be satisfied the vacant block of land is intended to be used as the site of a home to be occupied as the principal place of residence of one of the eligible purchasers. If, for some reason, you are unable to move into your new home within 12 months and still intend to occupy it as your principal place of residence, you must forward an application to the Chief Commissioner for an extension of time before the end of the 12 month period. The Chief Commissioner does have the discretion to extend the time for you to move in and his decision will be based on the merits of your claim. If the residency requirement is not met and you have not been granted an extension of time, then within 14 days of the end of the 12 month period you must: * give written notice of this fact to the Chief Commissioner, and * pay back the grant and/or relevant duty to the Chief Commissioner. The relevant duty is the amount you saved as a result of an exemption or concession on transfer and mortgage duty.
原帖由 cai9801 于 2008-5-29 14:32 发表 自己太贪心了。其实我自己喜欢住APARTMENT。不用管理太多东西。买房子的话,割草好麻烦,都不割又太乱。不过因为房子升值空间比较大。家人都觉得买房子好。我没有多大主见,他们都想的话。我也就想买房子了。 ...
原帖由 黑山老妖 于 2008-5-26 22:48 发表 4 + 1 - 0.1 - 1.1 - 2 = 1.8w taxable income... Not much tax on that.
原帖由 SOSHELPPLZ 于 2008-5-23 12:35 发表 说好校区的房子价格高,回报高, 但如果那个区的人口结构变了,学生来源变了,或那个学校走下坡路了,升学率降低了,那岂不是几十万白花了? 基本上好学校总是吸引更多的中产阶级进入校区,房地产价格会不断攀升,这样人口结构改变是往好处发展,学生来源会越好越好。这样也会导致学校会吸收更多的资助,师资力量会向好处不断发展,自然升学率会更好,很简单的例子,你查查Mckinnon, Balwyn,Glenwaverley就是个例子 另外,如果是正对小学的房子,会不会吵呢? 正对学校肯定会很吵,最好是买跟学校相隔一个block的街区,这样既方便,又安静,也永远没有shrink school zone的担忧 我听人说只要是在那个区租房,也可以上那个区的学校呀。学校仅仅是根据邮寄地址来查实你是否是属于他们校区的?如果租房也可以的话,似乎就没什么必要一定限定在那些区投资了吧。。 公校主要是看你是否是school zone里的resident,如果是就可以有资格申请。因为目前好学校的申请太多了,有些人会冒充是这个校区内的居民来申请,学校会通常做没有预约的家访,来确认是否是真实的。 租房需要提供1年以上的租约才可以。买校区内的房子,一是为了自己的子女上学,二如果是投资,那这些房子升值的时候快,市场疲软的时候,不掉价,在市场上还是吸引买家,当然是投资的好地段。
原帖由 Melway 于 2008-5-6 10:15 发表 如果真的risk free的话,不光把手头的钱放过去 还要贷款去投资
原帖由 redsummer 于 2008-5-8 21:44 发表 自己亲自去看看咯,如果是自住,不建议买,如果投资,更不建议买,一是不好出租,离城太远还是2区,又没什么大学吧?二来,升值很费劲的说. (个人观点而已噢)
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