原帖由 astina 于 2007-11-12 22:19 发表 personal cheque is ok
Important notice to all families considering enrolling at Glen Waverley Secondary College At the present time* the College has no capacity to enrol into YEAR 7, YEAR 8, YEAR 9. The College will, where required, support families in enrolling students into neighbouring schools.
Prospective enrolments should contact the College before securing a leased property or purchasing a property to discuss enrolment options.
Complete documentation on residential status must be provided including a copy of the applicants' Drivers Licences.
Families seeking information for enrolment into Year 7 2008 or beyond are advised to contact their local primary school who manage the process.
Year 7 ( 2008) Enrolment Information There is a structured process followed by Victorian state schools in determining enrolment placements for year 7. All information regarding this process is managed by the primary school.
On the 20th of April 2007 primary schools will distribute information to parents regarding the enrolment procedures for Year 7 2008. The Application for Enrolment forms are to be returned to the primary school by the 18th of May 2007. For interested parents and students the Glen Waverley Secondary College Open Day is on Wednesday the 9th of May 2007 from 6-9pm.
During June and July the secondary colleges assess all applications based on the neighbourhood schools policy and advise the primary schools of the results of those applications. On the 10th of August 2007 primary schools will advise parents of the results of their placement applications.
原帖由 刘放 于 2007-10-22 20:20 发表 如果你现在买,要到明年6月才可以SETTLE ,也就是说,你现在付10%的守期就可以了,SETTLE 后一般18个月开始盖,什么时候盖完没有具体说明,也有两年才可是盖的. 但是有一点,听很多人说过,升值的不是你的房子,是你的地. ...
原帖由 黑山老妖 于 2007-10-21 09:59 发表 Once it's published on the newspaper, the information belongs to public domain. So you can do anything to it as you wish.
原帖由 牛 于 2007-10-17 09:53 发表 哪个区的房子挺新的,虽说有些远,房价一点也不便宜!
原帖由 紫水晶 于 2007-10-18 08:33 发表 光吃喝拉撒睡找不到黑马
原帖由 买房子啊 于 2007-10-17 12:41 发表 Kevin是个好人, 会讲广东话,支持他, 是时候买些建筑股了, 嘿嘿
原帖由 西贝贝 于 2007-10-10 15:43 发表 太感谢啦!真是热心的好同志。 请问你买过地吗? 怎么这么熟悉呢?
原帖由 damaga 于 2007-10-8 21:53 发表 谢谢。终于明白了,离一次赚个2万澳币不错(如果买大房子),就是不知道复婚时会不会被人追查,把钱要回去。
原帖由 archeray 于 2007-10-8 17:06 发表 别买。将来要是下水道有事,是要挖你的院子的。
原帖由 killarney 于 2007-9-27 23:34 发表 请问patricb: 如果在别的州买过房,然后因工作关系搬到Mel后买的第一套房能享受维州的首次购房津贴吗?谢了先. 首次购房者由于拿了首次购房津贴,所以不可同时减 ...
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