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英语学习 今日: 0|主题: 4375

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Essay of Feb 2023 Eureka? 2023-2-5 15:26 11634 Eureka? 2023-2-10 11:54
Phrase: Move Heaven and Earth attachment agree bulaohu 2008-9-14 19:06 143762 ppl1121 2023-2-4 01:54
on the right track attachment jasonliu234 2008-9-15 12:31 204079 ppl1121 2023-2-4 01:54
怎样快速提升十岁孩子的英语? JillWang 2022-8-27 11:34 122841 ppl1121 2023-2-4 01:52
'谢谢你的祝福'英文怎么说? lovelove 2014-1-31 20:54 917297 ppl1121 2023-2-4 00:14
Let that sink in不懂就问/查。美国的华人精英挺丢脸的。 os2 2022-10-27 15:25 22201 ppl1121 2023-2-4 00:14
Stop beating around the bush ... Let's cut to the chase! agree 黑山老妖 2008-9-11 15:14 94293 ppl1121 2023-2-4 00:13
Phrase: An Act of Congress agree bulaohu 2008-9-15 13:48 63073 ppl1121 2023-2-4 00:12
math 的读音是 “麦斯“ 还是”马斯“? whoiswhotoday 2021-10-24 19:08 72721 ppl1121 2023-2-4 00:12
He is such a cheapskate ... agree 黑山老妖 2008-9-10 11:39 204346 ppl1121 2023-2-4 00:11
I thought you'd never ask. agree jasonliu234 2008-9-12 15:32 43222 ppl1121 2023-2-3 19:05
Phrase: Tell me about it! agree bulaohu 2008-9-11 00:49 213974 ppl1121 2023-2-3 19:04
English Idioms: The Apple Of Your Eye & Go For Broke agree Unless 2008-9-12 12:57 63233 ppl1121 2023-2-3 19:04
It's still up in the air. Nothing is set in concrete yet. 黑山老妖 2008-9-12 10:52 53107 ppl1121 2023-2-3 19:04
[NSW] Canterbury-Bankstown Council 社区免费英语班 董建奎 2022-6-4 12:16 12021 ppl1121 2023-2-3 19:03
英文的书引号怎么写? whoiswhotoday 2022-6-29 16:12 51977 ppl1121 2023-2-3 19:02
I am not trying to split hairs here, but ... agree 黑山老妖 2008-9-9 15:14 124393 ppl1121 2023-2-3 17:47
It takes all kinds to make a world. ukbing 2008-9-13 10:12 63111 ppl1121 2023-2-3 17:46
Too much information agree jasonliu234 2008-9-10 20:29 194547 ppl1121 2023-2-3 17:45
A Beauty agree jasonliu234 2008-9-10 17:41 133873 ppl1121 2023-2-3 17:45
财务上的journal transfer ozsuccess 2022-12-8 11:00 21550 ppl1121 2023-2-3 17:45
小白学习英语的好方法 wanghanguang 2022-4-10 10:52 82914 ppl1121 2023-2-3 14:08
回国近八年已经变成口语哑巴,40岁了还能重新学习吗 TonyMan 2023-1-25 00:05 222770 ppl1121 2023-2-3 14:07
请问 找老板报销 怎么说? attach_img 吉利安 2022-12-19 17:05 213439 ppl1121 2023-2-3 14:07
错过了一个亿,英语怎么表达? dpblue 2022-10-12 11:39 73134 ppl1121 2023-2-3 14:06
【从央视的笑话看翻译严谨的必要性:)】 attach_img limyae2009 2023-1-20 09:47 11227 Haymarket 2023-1-20 12:03
Phrases - If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys agree 旋木 2008-9-11 16:36 205779 JillWang 2022-8-27 09:53
G'day mate! agree  ...2 黑山老妖 2008-9-10 14:43 427813 JillWang 2022-8-27 09:45
Phrase: All the World's Money -- 大家一起来造句 attachment agree  ...2 bulaohu 2008-9-8 23:18 327842 JillWang 2022-8-27 09:40
转贴:英语飙升的好方法 agree  ...23456..18 mjyang 2013-9-8 23:17 532123589 sailinging 2022-8-25 22:14
约翰逊辞职演说 -- 【THEM'S THE BREAKS】 limyae2009 2022-7-8 17:14 35906 limyae2009 2022-8-25 14:01
超实用英语单词、英语学习、英文阅读利器!!! attach_img agree  ...23 lishaliu 2020-3-7 16:58 7116576 sailinging 2022-8-25 13:31
4个7平均来说,大概相当于本地人几年级的英语水平?小学6年级?初三?  ...23 woods 2021-1-19 15:14 7414288 wxzzcj 2022-8-13 12:06
求推荐适合中老年人的英语学习方法和工具 attach_img  ...2 aixzh 2020-2-13 11:31 4110071 james1980 2022-7-30 22:00
翻求助--译后还是不懂这段英语的具体意思。澳洲金融机构术语。 TVBOX 2022-7-27 19:38 01449 TVBOX 2022-7-27 19:38
请大家推荐一些英文小说吧?冰与火水平要求高么? tryso 2022-4-22 13:07 152362 Giraffa 2022-7-7 23:01
这英文格式对不对?He said: "I like you." whoiswhotoday 2022-6-29 16:29 01342 whoiswhotoday 2022-6-29 16:29
请问这句话如何理解?很困惑。。。 wattlexp 2022-6-17 22:23 41640 wattlexp 2022-6-17 23:10
问一下用"I am sorry"表达"我后悔"的意思。 whoiswhotoday 2021-10-24 19:16 51985 jerryclark 2022-6-16 19:25
don't bother什么意思 ozsuccess 2022-1-3 18:55 102281 jerryclark 2022-6-16 19:24


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