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onomatopoeia: [ˌɑnəmætəˈpiə] 象声;拟声;拟声法 拟声词;象声词;拟声语
What's your favourite Aussie animal sound? Have your say in our Science Week vote
1.barking owl吠鹰鸮 --- woof woof
2.banjo frog班卓青蛙 --- bonk bonk burrowing frog穴居青蛙
3.boobook布布克鹰鸮 --- book book or mo-poke
4.black cockatoo黑凤头鹦鹉 --- kee-ow
5.bush stone-curlew丛石鴴 ;灌木石鴴--- weer-lo
6.butcherbird伯劳鸟;屠夫鸟 --- melodic and maniacal
7.cicadas蝉 --- screeeeee
8.dingo澳洲野犬 --- oh-ool
9.fairywren细尾鹩莺;鹪鹩 --- high tinkering trells
10.flying fox狐蝠 --- squealing,squabbling and cackling
11.gang-gang cockatoo钢钢巴丹葵花鹦鹉 --- creak,creak
12.galah粉红凤头鹦鹉 --- chi chi
13.green tree frog绿树蛙 --- crawk-crawk-crawk
14.humpback whale座头鲸 --- squeals,whistels,rumbles
15.koala树袋熊;考拉熊 --- grunts and bellows
16.koel鬼布谷 噪鹃;噪鹊; --- koo-el
17.kookaburra笑翠鸟 --- koo-koo-koo-koo-koo-kaa-kaa-kaa-kaa
18.lyrebird琴鸟 --- a famous mimic
19.magpie喜鹊 --- melodious carolling
20.moaning frog吟蛙 --- ooohhhugh
21.possum(brushtail)负鼠/刷尾--- grunts and screeches
22.possum(ringtail)负鼠/环尾 --- squeeky chirrups
23.raven渡鸦 乌鸦; --- ah-ah-ah-aaaah
24.sugar glider蜜袋鼯 --- yap,yap
25.sulpher-crested cockatoo葵花凤头鹦鹉 --- raa-aach
26.tasmanian devil 袋獾;塔斯马尼亚恶魔--- raaaach
27.whipbird鞭鸫 岩石鸟 --- whipcrack followed by choo-choo
28.yellow-bellied glider黄腹滑翔鼯 --- shrieks and gurdles