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[澳洲] Cherry Haven樱桃园 生之精神 [复制链接]

发表于 2011-12-11 18:20 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 cl2007 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 cl2007 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
  周六,去摘樱桃。今年雨水多,樱桃虽比超市买来的好,但不如以前的那样甜了。摘完樱桃,去附近的Silvan Reservoir Park(苏文水库公园)野餐,开阔的如茵绿草,错落有致的各种树,一群玩得不想走的孩子,一些各家随手做出的菜,大家最近虽忙,但川人多,随手的菜都可口美味,一个惬意的周末下午。
  澳洲一个年轻的飞行员,结婚后,为土著社区服务,后来在巴布新几内亚工作,在不通路的地方用飞机运送物资,包括教育、教堂、医疗、政府所需要的各种东西。生了4个女儿,孩子们生活在贫困的遥远山区,在不同的语言和文化中长大,2000年回到澳洲生活,“我们享受着澳洲的美好生活,但孩子们也深知,在其它一些国家,生活所面临的艰辛与挑战”。“我们选择了这个樱桃园,迎接并享受各种来自不同背景,不同人生故事,但都喜欢樱桃的人们…” 今天,收门票,秤樱桃的那些女孩,就是他的女儿。网上有更多细节和照片:
  从到澳洲的第一天起,我就在问自己:“澳洲到底有什么?” 在各种平常而又不凡的细节中,看到的澳洲人的生之精神,是我找到的一种。
  About Us
  Welcome to Cherry Haven, from your hosts Rod & Christine, and our 4 wonderful girls 
Rachael, Hannah, Miriam & Naomi.

This is our story - how we came to be your hosts at Cherry Haven.
  17 homes after 13 years of marraige.... and now Cherry Haven is the longest we have lived in one place!

  This is where we began......

In 1987, Rod & Christine met in a mission organization called YWAM, a year later we were married and living in our second home in Alice Springs.
  Rod was a mission pilot with MAF, serving the Aboriginal communities in Central Australia, then we moved to Papua New Guinea for 9 years.
  Our girls grew up amongst people of different cultures and foriegn languages. We lived in isolated villages from tropical lowlands to highland valleys
   Serving remote communities where there were no roads was possible only by using aircraft - the vital link to meet todays needs for churches, medical needs, education, government services, building supplies, mail, and people.....
   As a family we travelled far more by aircraft than by car! Just to go to the shops every 6 weeks was at least 90 minutes flying time, but usually much longer by the time we stopped along the way....
  Today we live back in Australia. The girls enjoy a good Christian school, a fantastic church, and all the benefits that come with living in Australia - yet we also know of the struggles and challenges of life in other countries.
  Rod now assists other Australians to go to many nations of the world - Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Russia, Pacific, Middle East... Christine works as a critical care nurse.
   "Why Cherries?" 
We moved to Melbourne in 2000, rented for 2 years then when we realized we were likely to be in Melbourne longer than anywhere else we prayed about putting down roots. Amazing answer to prayers came in finding this place where we so enjoy living, and can contribute to our work and life by running a seasonal pick your own cherry farm.
  We love meeting the vast variety of people who enjoy picking cherries. Melbourne's diverse ethnic background brings people with stories and interest in cherries from so many different countries:- Afgahnistan, Turkey, Italy, Russia, China, SE Asia, and so many more. We meet muslims, hindus, sikhs.... - people from so many faiths and lifestyles. Please come, and if you've read this far introduce yourselves - and enjoy the blessing of Cherry Haven with us!

发表于 2011-12-14 18:34 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 likespring 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 likespring 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

他家的樱桃不便宜阿,10刀1Kg.  认识的人退休了搬家到qld, 就在布里斯班北部也买块差不多2,3acre占地的房子,自己种了各种花,果树,蔬菜,觉得很好啊。


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