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本帖最后由 Jack1688 于 2014-7-28 03:11 编辑
cycwong21 发表于 2014-7-28 01:58
算算自己的紫微斗数的财帛宫里有没有火铃和贪狼星,否则都白搭,只有送钱的份。 ...
为什么最多只能买到20个数字的彩票在45/6 ?
Here are the exact "math figures" of how many "winning numbers" someone can expect to "predict" when one selects a pool of lottery numbers [06 up to 45] from a group of 45 lottery numbers (lotto 6/45).
Example :
When you pick 12 numbers from 45 numbers, the chance that exactly 3 of the 6 winning numbers will be among the numbers you selected is 14.736%.
Pool 0 numbers 1 number 2 numbers 3 numbers 4 numbers 5 numbers 6 numbers
06 : 40.05646% 42.41273% 15.14740% 02.24406% 00.13646% 00.00287% 00.00001%
07 : 33.89393% 43.13773% 19.03135% 03.62502% 00.30208% 00.00980% 00.00009%
08 : 28.54226% 42.81339% 22.70407% 05.34213% 00.57237% 00.02544% 00.00034%
09 : 23.91378% 41.65627% 26.03517% 07.36348% 00.97458% 00.05569% 00.00103%
10 : 19.92815% 39.85631% 28.92796% 09.64265% 01.53406% 00.10829% 00.00258%
11 : 16.51190% 37.57880% 31.31567% 12.12219% 02.27291% 00.19285% 00.00567%
12 : 13.59803% 34.96637% 33.15777% 14.73679% 03.20882% 00.32088% 00.01134%
13 : 11.12566% 32.14081% 34.43658% 17.41620% 04.35405% 00.50563% 00.02107%
14 : 09.03960% 29.20487% 35.15401% 20.08800% 05.71469% 00.76196% 00.03687%
15 : 07.29000% 26.24401% 35.32847% 22.68000% 07.29000% 01.10607% 00.06145%
16 : 05.83200% 23.32800% 34.99201% 25.12247% 09.07200% 01.55520% 00.09832%
17 : 04.62538% 20.51256% 34.18759% 27.35007% 11.04522% 02.12723% 00.15194%
18 : 03.63423% 17.84075% 32.96661% 29.30365% 13.18664% 02.84020% 00.22792%
19 : 02.82662% 15.34452% 31.38651% 30.93163% 15.46582% 03.71180% 00.33311%
20 : 02.17432% 13.04594% 29.50868% 32.19129% 17.84517% 04.75871% 00.47587%
21 : 01.65249% 10.95859% 27.39648% 33.04973% 20.28051% 05.99598% 00.66622%
22 : 01.23936% 09.08867% 25.11344% 33.48459% 22.72169% 07.43619% 00.91605%
23 : 00.91605% 07.43619% 22.72169% 33.48459% 25.11344% 09.08867% 01.23936%
24 : 00.66622% 05.99598% 20.28051% 33.04973% 27.39648% 10.95859% 01.65249%
25 : 00.47587% 04.75871% 17.84517% 32.19129% 29.50868% 13.04594% 02.17432%
26 : 00.33311% 03.71180% 15.46582% 30.93163% 31.38651% 15.34452% 02.82662%
27 : 00.22792% 02.84020% 13.18664% 29.30365% 32.96661% 17.84075% 03.63423%
28 : 00.15194% 02.12723% 11.04522% 27.35007% 34.18759% 20.51256% 04.62538%
29 : 00.09832% 01.55520% 09.07200% 25.12247% 34.99201% 23.32800% 05.83200%
30 : 00.06145% 01.10607% 07.29000% 22.68000% 35.32847% 26.24401% 07.29000%
31 : 00.03687% 00.76196% 05.71469% 20.08800% 35.15401% 29.20487% 09.03960%
32 : 00.02107% 00.50563% 04.35405% 17.41620% 34.43658% 32.14081% 11.12566%
33 : 00.01134% 00.32088% 03.20882% 14.73679% 33.15777% 34.96637% 13.59803%
34 : 00.00567% 00.19285% 02.27291% 12.12219% 31.31567% 37.57880% 16.51190%
35 : 00.00258% 00.10829% 01.53406% 09.64265% 28.92796% 39.85631% 19.92815%
36 : 00.00103% 00.05569% 00.97458% 07.36348% 26.03517% 41.65627% 23.91378%
37 : 00.00034% 00.02544% 00.57237% 05.34213% 22.70407% 42.81339% 28.54226%
38 : 00.00009% 00.00980% 00.30208% 03.62502% 19.03135% 43.13773% 33.89393%
39 : 00.00001% 00.00287% 00.13646% 02.24406% 15.14740% 42.41273% 40.05646%
40 : 0% 00.00049% 00.04788% 01.21301% 11.22030% 40.39307% 47.12525%
41 : 0% 0% 00.01007% 00.52351% 07.45998% 36.80258% 55.20387%
42 : 0% 0% 0% 00.14094% 04.12262% 31.33192% 64.40451%
43 : 0% 0% 0% 0% 01.51515% 23.63636% 74.84848%
44 : 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13.33333% 86.66667%
45 : 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
From this table, we can analysis how many of numbers on a ticket will cover over 6 winning balls. Let me list as following:
buy a lottery ticket with 20 numbers, cover 5 winning balls is at 4.76%, cover 6 winning balls is at 0.48%. ---- very low ?
buy a lottery ticket with 27 numbers, cover 5 winning balls is at 17.84%, cover 6 winning balls is at 3.64%. ---- improved ?
buy a lottery ticket with 30 numbers, cover 5 winning balls is at 26.25%, cover 6 winning balls is at 7.29%. ---- good improved ?
So, buy a 30 numbers ticket, you will get 33% odd to win either 5 numbers or 6 numbers. But, they never give you this ticket.
I analysis a data of lottery drawn from Jan 2014 to June 2014. There are total 127 draws.
They are Monday/Wednesday/Saturday - 45/6/2, Tuesday - 45/7/2, Thursday - 40/6/1 powerball
Tatts lottery.
I only count for 6 balls in draw, no supplement balls.
Two wheels are compared:
1. a wheel of 27 numbers. No filter for numbers. Just use 1 to 27 numbers, which cover over 50% of 45 balls.
2. a wheel of 30 numbers. No filter for numbers. Just use 1 to 30 numbers, which cover over 66.66% or 2/3 of 45 balls.
For large run, any filter or optimal selection of numbers to be played may be not useful as samples increase. So, no filter is used for simplicity of analysis.
The wheel with 27 numbers, for 127 draw, the distribution of cover rate of balls:
Cover 6 balls: 5 draws
Cover 5 balls: 22 draws
Cover 4 balls: 52 draws possible win 79 times, 62.2%
Cover 3 balls: 24 draws possible loss 48 times, 37.8%
Cover 2 balls: 17 draws
Cover 1 balls: 5 draws
Cover 0 balls: 2 draws
The wheel with 30 numbers, for 127 draw, the distribution of cover rate of balls:
Cover 6 balls: 12 draws
Cover 5 balls: 33 draws
Cover 4 balls: 47 draws possible win 92 times, 72.4%
Cover 3 balls: 23 draws possible loss 35 times, 27.6%
Cover 2 balls: 10 draws
Cover 1 balls: 2 draws
Cover 0 balls: 0 draws
The above result showed, wheel with 30 numbers is the better wheel. The systems with guarantee win-4 if 4 balls hit, win-4 if 5, and win-4 if 6 will be better ones for lottery play.
enjoy !