此文章由 lry-jdtj 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 lry-jdtj 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 lry-jdtj 于 2018-2-25 18:02 编辑
1. Q: 我的安卓手机能用吗?
A: 这个方法理论上所有手机都能用,不论是安卓还是苹果。但安卓只要安装fake GPS就可以了,此操作对安卓是一个detour。
2. Q: 为什么我的7-11App 在夜神上报错检测到root手机而退出?
A: 请在夜神设置非root模式参见step 5.
3. Q: 我在模拟器上先设置好了定位才开启的app,仍在在付款时出现这个code lima的error?
A: 用iphone登录7/11 top up 就可以了,然后再回到电脑lock油价 by edwardt
A: 7-11 现在限制每周只能充值$80....超出部分再充值就不行了。
4. Q: 我打开夜神没有google store,请问是在哪里找到的呢?
A: 在经历了下载google play store却打不开,删了重新下载,却要检查网络后,我下载了6.0的老版本,里面直接有google
play store,然后按照楼主说的一步一步走,一点都不卡的锁了价格!
http://res.bignox.com/g4/M00/01/ ... p_v6.0.0.0_full.exe by Valenooo
5. Q: 为什么我点击定位,定位地图页面黑屏?
A: 请保持setting跟step 5 的截图一致。
6. Q: 为什么我搜索定位搜索不到?
A: 这个好像是系统问题,请在地图上点击大致范围。
7. Q ld锁定的油价在nsw能用吗?
A: 实测可以 by xiaonengjin
足友 南洋以南 分享的油价最低查询链接
https://docs.google.com/spreadsh ... d=0&single=true
http://www.oursteps.com.au/bbs/f ... ead&tid=1391729
*Using the App in accordance with these Conditions allows you to search nearby 7-Eleven stores that sell your preferred type of fuel and find the best current local price.
* If you wish, you can reserve a Fuel Price Lock Voucher for a chosen volume of fuel (between 10 and 150 litres) and 'lock in' that price for up to 7 days. To reserve a Fuel Price Lock Voucher, you must have available a Card Balance of at least the value of the Fuel Price Lock Voucher.
* No charge applies for reserving a Fuel Price Lock Voucher, and you are free to use your Card Balance at any time after you have reserved it.
* You can have only one Fuel Price Lock Voucher at a time for each reloadable 7-Eleven Card.
* You can only create two Fuel Price Lock Vouchers per day for each reloadable 7-Eleven Card.
* You have 7 days to collect the fuel from any 7-Eleven store in Australia which sells that fuel type, at the lower of the Fuel Price Lock Voucher price or the current pump price at that store.
* A Fuel Price Lock Voucher is not transferrable and can only be redeemed by You, the holder of the Card account.
* A Fuel Price Lock Voucher can only be redeemed once, even if you purchase more or less fuel than the chosen volume. Only one voucher can be used per fuel type per transaction. Where multiple fuel types are purchased in a single transaction, separate Fuel Price Lock Vouchers can be used for each fuel type.
* When you collect your fuel, you can choose to use the held Card Balance, cash, eftpos or credit cards accepted by the 7-Eleven Store. Fleet Card, Motorcharge, Motorpass and 7-Eleven Fuel Card are not accepted for Fuel Price Lock Voucher payments.
* The App shows when the fuel price at each 7-Eleven Store was last checked. Usually, the fuel prices quoted by the App are checked upon each opening then at least once each hour and at that time are the same as the pump price at the relevant 7-Eleven Store. If there is ever a difference, the price quoted by the App is taken to be correct for the purpose of Fuel Price Lock Vouchers.
* 7-Eleven intends the fuel pricing displayed using the store finder function of the App will usually be accurate. However, any price displayed is subject to change without notice and there can be a short time lapse between any such change and the updating of the pricing which is displayed on the App. From time to time the store finder function may not be able to display prices, or may display prices that are not up-to-date. You should check the pump price displayed before purchasing fuel at any 7-Eleven store.
* IMPORTANT - For fuel purchases without a Fuel Price Lock Voucher, you need to pay the pump price at the relevant 7-Eleven Store, even if the App shows a different price applied at a previous time.
* 7-Eleven reserves the right to cancel or refuse to honour a Fuel Price Lock Voucher where we are of the reasonable opinion that the Fuel Price Lock Voucher is not being used in accordance with these terms.
* The App uses map functionality from either Google Maps (for Android devices) or Apple Maps (for Apple devices). The terms of use of the applicable map service (*Map Terms*) apply to your use of the map functionality through the App and are available at http://www.google.com/intl/en-us/help/terms_maps.html for Google Maps and http://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/maps/terms-en.html for Apple Maps. By using the map functionality in the App, you are agreeing to be bound by the relevant Map Terms. |