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BlueMountainAu 发表于 2021-3-28 12:03 
看看国内企事业单位政治,理理各种政府项目利益关纠结,再混混欧美总部-观摩一下各位function VPs们怎么出招的 - 再笨的人,多吃几次亏;还有过来人给你一字一句解释,虽说个人水平有限、达不到完全通透- 即使我也强不到哪里去,人际关系办公室斗争大概也不能成为我的弱项啊 - 不能混人际关系办公室政治的,怎么出去卖项目,你向一群人精卖产品、服务,各方都有利益纠结,理不清人物关系和全盘利益考虑的 - 首先标书怎么可能跑得下来,然后做项目如果不知深浅,得罪人多了,你技术再好也没用。
努力学习,理清人际关系,可以在激烈的办公室政治下存活并见缝插针推自己想推的方向,想卖的产品、服务- 只有这样在四大一线clients facing的复杂环境下你才会活得游刃有余,而不觉吃力。
话说: 多读历史小说,政见,并学点哲学,对玩政治、人性理解是有帮助的;起码会有点人际关系办公室斗争的基本知识储备。 - 我曾经很想学政治经济学,虽说最后做了财务,感觉恰恰是年轻时读的书成就了今日的我。
罗素的书绝对推荐,他对中国研究也很通透 - 如果对哲学感兴趣的话,推荐他写的西方哲学史,绝对的经典!
A History of Western Philosophy
by Bertrand Russell
4.10 · Rating details · 33,147 ratings · 1,103 reviews
Since its first publication in 1945 Lord Russell's A History of Western Philosophy has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject—unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit.
感兴趣的话,也推荐一下这本 - 题外话,他的英文简直是就牛人中的战斗机
The Problem of China Paperback – December 1, 1993
by Bertrand Russell (Author)
This study of the history of China, its social forces and tendencies and the character of its people, was originally published in 1922, following the author's return from a year as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Beijing. Although much has happened in the years that have intervened, the book still has great value and interest for all who are concerned to understand China and her future amongst the major nations of the world. It contains much interesting historical analysis which is very relevant today, and some extraordinarily far-sighted observations. For this reason a reprint has been felt desirable and it has been left unchanged. If in part it may reveal a record of dead hopes and dead fears, those parts which are not topical are still true; and, having regard to China's rapid growth in industrial and international power, those permanent elements of the book cannot be neglected either by the student of international affairs or by the general reader.
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