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本帖最后由 duolaaimeng 于 2017-2-19 10:57 编辑
没有时间去读完整个direction. 仅做几点评论:
1. 证据法上,对于jury可以take in what information, 法官有责任给出一些direction.
2. 文中说到:
The jury were instructed that it was not necessary for them to find either of the motives proved beyond reasonable doubt before they could convict the offender of murder. They were also instructed they could take the evidence of motive into account on the question of guilt without being satisfied that either of the possible motives relied upon by the Crown was proved beyond reasonable doubt.”
这个理解应该不是 LZ说的“中文大概的意思是:陪审团被告知,他们在定罪前不需要去发现杀人动机,这些动机已经被证明为beyond reasonable doubt.” 恕我直言,这个翻译太误导人了。“
证据法中刑事案近证据有两种,direct and circumstantial evidence,对于后者,"inference of guilty upon individual items of circumstantial evidence to proved beyond reasonable doubt is not necessary" --- 有兴趣的同学可以去看一下Shepherd v R [1990] HCA 56 170 CLR 573。
当然,我没有表示法官肯定没有错,今天的发言也仅是针对上述那一条direction作出的理解。 |