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iPad 越狱 - 小白版 [复制链接]

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 15:59 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 老陶 于 2010-6-4 14:58 发表



退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:00 |显示全部楼层

回复 120# 的帖子

此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:01 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 astina 于 2010-6-4 14:59 发表


North Shore 华人补习学校山区分校

发表于 2010-6-4 16:02 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 1000 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 1000 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 gandu 于 2010-6-4 14:57 发表

越狱那么简单就不用说了,基本上是single click.

主要是ipad真的不知道用来干啥,在家上网不如13'的mac book, 到外面需要上网可以用手机,而且你不太可能随时带部ipad。用来做相架好像还ok。


退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:02 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
呼吁一下,这个要给GANDU 加精。

退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:03 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 1000 于 2010-6-4 15:02 发表


North Shore 华人补习学校山区分校

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:03 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 老陶 于 2010-6-4 15:01 发表




退役斑竹 2008年度奖章获得者 特殊贡献奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:05 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 steveking 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 steveking 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Ipad 看电影,觉得屏幕太大 。。。也许7-8英寸比较好。

退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:06 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 astina 于 2010-6-4 15:03 发表



North Shore 华人补习学校山区分校

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:07 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 老陶 于 2010-6-4 15:06 发表



发表于 2010-6-4 16:13 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 bulaohu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 bulaohu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 astina 于 2010-6-4 15:07 发表


you know there are netbooks that are half the price can do the same right? And you don't need to buy a supporting case for a netbook...

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:14 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 bulaohu 于 2010-6-4 15:13 发表

you know there are netbooks that are half the price can do the same right? And you don't need to buy a supporting case for a netbook...


退役斑竹 2008年度奖章获得者 特殊贡献奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:16 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 steveking 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 steveking 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

发表于 2010-6-4 16:16 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 cD 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 cD 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 astina 于 2010-6-4 14:21 发表



发表于 2010-6-4 16:16 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 魔头 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 魔头 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 steveking 于 2010-6-4 15:05 发表
Ipad 看电影,觉得屏幕太大 。。。也许7-8英寸比较好。

我都觉得可以看成斗鸡眼了, 你还嫌大


退役斑竹 2008年度奖章获得者 特殊贡献奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:18 |显示全部楼层

回复 135# 的帖子

此文章由 steveking 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 steveking 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
mtmm 眼睛大,所以觉得小;而我。。。

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:19 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 steveking 于 2010-6-4 15:16 发表


现在全部苹果,mac, ipad,iphone

发表于 2010-6-4 16:19 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 PotatoChips 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 PotatoChips 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 老陶 于 2010-6-4 15:00 发表

Most people will tell you jailbreaking is "100% legal", probably because thats what one person started saying and that's what everyone wanted to believe. Their argument is that "we bought the Ipod/phone, its our property, we can do what we want with it." Wrong.

Exhibit A - EULA that we all agreed to (credit for this goes to Avatarv, for his post pointing out the bold lines):

1. General The software (including Boot ROM code and other embedded software), documentation and any fonts that came with your iPod touch, as may be updated or replaced by software updates or system restore software provided by Apple, whether in read only memory, on any other media or in any other form (collectively the "iPod touch Software") are licensed, not sold, to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") for use only under the terms of this License, and Apple reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. The rights granted herein are limited to Apple's intellectual property rights in the iPod touch Software and do not include any other patents or intellectual property rights. You own the media on which the iPod touch Software is recorded but Apple and/or Apple's licensor(s) retain ownership of the iPod touch Software itself.

2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions
(a) This License allows you to use the iPod touch Software on a single Apple-labeled iPod touch. This License does not allow the iPod touch Software to exist on more than one Apple-labeled iPod touch at a time, and you may not distribute or make the iPod touch Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices at the same time. This License does not grant you any rights to use Apple proprietary interfaces and other intellectual property in the design, development, manufacture, licensing or distribution of third party devices and accessories for use with the iPod touch. Some of those rights are available under a separate license from Apple. For more information, please email madeforipod@apple.com.

(b) With respect to updates to the iPod touch Software and system restore software that Apple may make available for download (“iPod touch Software Updates”), this License allows you to download the iPod touch Software Updates to update or restore the software on any iPod touch that you own or control. This License does not allow you to update or restore iPod touchs that you do not control or own, and you may not distribute or make the iPod touch Software Updates available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices or multiple computers at the same time. You may make one copy of the iPod touch Software Updates stored on your computer in machine-readable form for backup purposes only, provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the original.

(c) Except as and only to the extent permitted by applicable law, or by licensing terms governing use of open-sourced components included with the iPod touch Software, you may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or create derivative works of the iPod touch Software, iPod touch Software Updates, or any part thereof. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of Apple and its licensors of the iPod touch Software and iPod touch Software Updates. If you breach this restriction, you may be subject to prosecution and damages.

Ok, so some of you hardcore Jailbreaker coders and know-it-alls might point out that:
1) The EULA is NOT law, and nothing that Apple chooses to put in the agreement suddenly becomes the law. It's simply an agreement, and it is up to our legal system, and not Apple, what happens when you break the agreement. Apple only has the right to not deal with you anymore (warranty, etc).
2) EULA's may or may not even be enforceable depending on your jurisdiction - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EULA
3) Jailbreaking actually does not rewrite or remove any code, but actually just adds to the existing code. It places a door where there was none before, but technically, the barriers that Apple had placed do still exist. So it is questionable whether or not the EULA is even being violated.

Fine then, at least now you can't say that Jailbreaking is 100% illegal. But to show you that it is not even a little bit legal, I give you Exhibit B:

Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 - Section 1201 - definition of "access control" as follows: "circumvention of technological measures employed by or on behalf of copyright owners to protect their works." The DMCA makes a point to "...criminalize the act of circumventing an access control, even when there is no infringement of copyright itself." If you are jailbreaking an Ipod/phone you are clearly circumventing the access control to be able to install 3rd party programs. However, enforcement of the DMCA has mostly been limited to people a) creating programs to circumvent access control or b) hosting content that does.

And just a side note - "unlocking" a phone, while questionably violating the EULA, is NOT illegal as far as the DMCA goes, because there is a special exemption in the DMCA which does allow circumvention of access controls on cellular phones for their use on another carrier.

Hope this answers people's questions.


发表于 2010-6-4 16:20 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 魔头 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 魔头 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 steveking 于 2010-6-4 15:18 发表
mtmm 眼睛大,所以觉得小;而我。。。


退役斑竹 2008年度奖章获得者 特殊贡献奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:23 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 steveking 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 steveking 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 PotatoChips 于 2010-6-4 15:19 发表

Most people will tell you jailbreaking is "100% legal", probably because thats what one person started saying and that's what everyone wanted to believe. Their argument is that "we bought the Ipod/p ...

请教一下,EULA 是什么?

退役斑竹 2008年度奖章获得者 特殊贡献奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 steveking 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 steveking 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 魔头 于 2010-6-4 15:20 发表


怪不得,吾昨夜观星象,掐指一算,MM 是大眼的那种。结果因大雨干扰了信号,没有算出是眼镜。。。


参与人数 1积分 +1 收起 理由
astina + 1 speechless



发表于 2010-6-4 16:26 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 PotatoChips 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 PotatoChips 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 steveking 于 2010-6-4 15:23 发表

请教一下,EULA 是什么?

End-User License Agreement

when you active your iPad, you already sign this agreement

[ 本帖最后由 PotatoChips 于 2010-6-4 15:30 编辑 ]

发表于 2010-6-4 16:30 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 jasonliu234 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 jasonliu234 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
EULA 是法律条款?

退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:38 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 PotatoChips 于 2010-6-4 15:19 发表

at least now you can't say that Jailbreaking is 100% illega

North Shore 华人补习学校山区分校

发表于 2010-6-4 16:40 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 jasonliu234 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 jasonliu234 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 老陶 于 2010-6-4 15:38 发表


再看下面一句,作者就说 没一点是合法的。But to show you that it is not even a little bit legal, I give you Exhibit B:

窃以为 作者下面的举例 没有说服力


[ 本帖最后由 jasonliu234 于 2010-6-4 15:42 编辑 ]

发表于 2010-6-4 16:40 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 PotatoChips 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 PotatoChips 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 老陶 于 2010-6-4 15:38 发表


that's my point


发表于 2010-6-4 16:43 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 degra 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 degra 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 PotatoChips 于 2010-6-4 15:40 发表

that's my point

your referred post pretty much cleared our doubts


参与人数 1积分 +1 收起 理由
老陶 + 1 哈哈哈


退役斑竹 2010年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-6-4 16:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 老陶 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 老陶 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 jasonliu234 于 2010-6-4 15:40 发表

再看下面一句,作者就说 没一点是合法的。But to show you that it is not even a little bit legal, I give you Exhibit B:

窃以为 作者下面的举例 没有说服力

拿出eula,完全也是apple自己的条款,不是法 ...

North Shore 华人补习学校山区分校

发表于 2010-6-4 16:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 PotatoChips 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 PotatoChips 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


[ 本帖最后由 PotatoChips 于 2010-6-4 15:46 编辑 ]

退役斑竹 2008年度奖章获得者 特殊贡献奖章

发表于 2010-6-4 16:46 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 steveking 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 steveking 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 PotatoChips 于 2010-6-4 15:44 发表

这个没错。很多西人的帖子里也写,越狱本身 not 100% illegal,但是免费装了本来要花钱买的 app 或 ibook 什么的,就触发了知识产权保护法。


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