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首先没有明确的教学大纲,或者说没有硬性的要求老师向家长介绍下应该学些什么,要求是什么。我有一个同学家长为了这个一定要和老师要一份 curriculum,掰扯了半天老师也拿不出来,最后被老师一万个白眼,孩子也受连累。
二是没有统一的教科书,这个公私校更是各自为政。尤其是kindy,和一/二年级,孩子好多时候拿到的是打印的纸片子,今天一片,明天另一片,内容也不连贯,难度缺乏递进的层次。亲身体验是,year2 学的东西有时候比year1 简单,year3 又有好多没有教过的却要孩子拿起来就用。
所以我和我太太的办法就只有一个了,自己上,自己花时间弥补系统性的失误。好在目标明确,就是数学和英文,如果准备Oc和精英的同志们需要准备GA,Generally ability。其他的就看孩子将来的兴趣了。Science就交给学校了,或者多花时间和孩子一起玩,YouTube上有好多视频教你一步步怎么玩。
下面我一点一点把 Foundation(kindy)到year3 的curriculum列给大家。有不准确的地方,大家见谅。
Foundation Math
Number and place value
001 Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point-确认孩子可以从0顺序数到20,可以从任何一个数开始,用英文。
1.a reading stories from other cultures featuring counting in sequence to assist students to recognise ways of counting in local languages and across cultures-给孩子读一些其他文化的关于关于计数,数数的故事,用家庭母语比如中文教孩子数数。
b identifying the number words in sequence, backwards and forwards, and reasoning with the number sequences, establishing the language on which subsequent counting experiences can be built- 正数/倒数/数列的概念。
c developing fluency with forwards and backwards counting in meaningful contexts, including stories and rhymes 熟练的数数,正反序,通过有意义的文字,故事,绕口令等等,这个 Dora 朵拉里面有不少资源。
d understanding that numbers are said in a particular order and there are patterns in the way we say them. 明白数列的初期概念,可以为以后的奇偶数列做准备。
002 Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond-以数及物,明白数字,数量和物品间的关系。从0到10 慢慢再向上累加。
a understanding that each object must be counted only once, that the arrangement of objects does not affect how many there are, and that the last number counted answers the 'how many' question-明白顺序和累加的概念,明白顺序最后一个数字是所有物品的总量。
b using scenarios to help students recognise that other cultures count in a variety of ways, such as the Wotjoballum number systems-尝试其他文化的数序表达,比如tally mark,比如我们中国的手势 一到十。双击666等等
003 Subitise small collections of objects-数感的训练,比如一眼看出图片里有几个苹果但是不能数。应该是训练连接大脑图像和数字的感知区域。
a using subitising as the basis for ordering and comparing collections of numbers-利用数感进行排序和比较,从小规模开始哦。
ACMNA289 Compare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning-数字间的对比排序,从0-20,还得能解释原委。
a comparing and ordering items of like and unlike characteristics using the words 'more', 'less', 'same as' and 'not the same as' and giving reasons for these answers-把数感和逻辑认知相结合,可以判断出多,少,一样多等等概念。
b understanding and using terms such as 'first' and 'second' to indicate ordinal position in a sequence-理解并可以使用第一,第二等等表述位置的词汇,比如 1st,2nd.....
c using objects which are personally and culturally relevant to students-这个因人而异了,使用孩子感兴趣的玩具,游戏,启发他/她。
004 Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing
a using a range of practical strategies for adding small groups of numbers, such as visual displays or concrete materials-这个最重要了,最初的加法要培养孩子步骤,解题思路(战略),而不是以快为主。有时需要换位思考,孩子的接受能力是逐步提高的,回忆下我们小时候最早使用的笨办法或者我们在数学上的最初的困惑,就可以理解孩子的感受。从很简单的数组开始,越形象化,图形化越好。
b using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methods of adding, including spatial patterns and reasoning
Patterns and algebra 图形和代数
005 Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings-可以分辨出不同的图形,理解各种图形的特点。可以用已知形状组成图形变化的组合。
a observing natural patterns in the world around us-多在大自然里找寻天然的形状和家里家具电器的形状。
b creating and describing patterns using materials, sounds, movements or drawings
ACMMG Measurement and Geometry
006 Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language 找到类似的物体进行长宽高的比较,鼓励使用自己的语言。
a comparing objects directly, by placing one object against another to determine which is longer or by pouring from one container into the other to see which one holds more 比较物体长度,容积,在一对一的范围内。
b using suitable language associated with measurement attributes, such as 'tall' and 'taller', 'heavy' and 'heavier', 'holds more' and 'holds less' 学会对增量的表述。
007 Compare and order duration of events using everyday language of time 对时间概念开始进行感知和描述。
a knowing and identifying the days of the week and linking specific days to familiar events 开始记述 Monday-Sunday。记住一些特殊的日子,比如自己的生日。
b sequencing familiar events in time order 把一些特殊的日子开始进行排序。
008 Connect days of the week to familiar events and actions、
a choosing events and actions that make connections with students' everyday family routines
Shape 找到一天中的规律性的活动,比如接送孩子,lunch time,playtime,reading time 和父母的等等。
009 Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment
a Sorting and describing squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, spheres and cubes 分类比较2d物体和3d物体,比如长方,正方,球体,柱体等等。
Location and transformation
ACMMG010 Describe position and movement
a Interpreting the everyday language of location and direction, such as 'between', 'near', 'next to', 'forward', 'toward'
b following and giving simple directions to guide a friend around an obstacle path and vice versa 指路 指方向。
ACMSP Statistics and Probability
Data representation and interpretation
ACMSP011 Answer yes/no questions to collect information and make simple inferences 用yes和no的问题来获得信息,得出简单的结论,比如我女儿最爱的就是问我的年龄,工作,和她妈妈谁大等等。
ACMSP011.a posing questions about themselves and familiar objects and events
ACMSP011.b representing responses to questions using simple displays, including grouping students according to their answers