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[澳洲资讯] 澳洲是否应该统一中学文凭? [复制链接]


发表于 2009-4-21 08:21 |显示全部楼层
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经济合作与发展组织(OECD)建议澳洲应该考虑推行全国一体式中学文凭。澳洲现在实行的文凭体制是以州为单位,比如在维州叫Victoria Certificate of Education,在新州名为HSC。这样的细化给横向比较带来不少困难。

澳洲教育部长Julia Gillard回应说,政府目前尚不考虑推行全国制文凭。但是即将于明年推出的全澳教育大纲能够最大程度上地保证澳洲的中学拥有世界一流课程设置,以及出色的学术表现。

墨尔本大学的Stephen Lamb认为,取消州级文凭可能会让学校在制定适合于当地情况的课程的时候,面临束缚。他引用加拿大来证明,州级文凭能够保证国家整体教育质量。

Push to consider national school certificate

Dan Harrison, Canberra
April 21, 2009

AUSTRALIA should consider developing a national certificate to replace the VCE and other state-based secondary school qualifications, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development says.

The idea is one of several educational measures the OECD recommends that Australia take in a report released yesterday.

The report says there are significant differences between states in the basic structure of schooling, which create difficulties for people who move interstate.

It praises the national curriculum — which is due to be introduced in 2011 — but says a national certificate is "likely to be more effective at standardising the content and the outcomes of Australian secondary schools than the national curriculum alone".

The report's main author, Vincent Vandenberghe, said a national certificate did not need to mean central intervention in how schools were organised.

"But with a nation where people tend to move across jurisdictions, making sure that the degrees mean the same thing is something that should be at least discussed in Canberra, and it should be implemented from Canberra I think."

A spokeswoman for Education Minister Julia Gillard said the Government was "not currently considering changes" but the new Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority would advise "on the best way to ensure world-class curriculum and assessment outcomes for all Australian school students".

Victorian Education Minister Bronwyn Pike was not available for comment yesterday.

Stephen Lamb, an associate professor in the graduate school of education at the University of Melbourne, questioned what benefits a national certificate would offer.

It could remove the flexibility states and territories needed to meet the needs of their communities, he said, noting that Canada, one of the best-performing nations in international tests, had school certificates determined by provincial governments.

In the Howard years, coalition education ministers Brendan Nelson and Julie Bishop pushed the idea of an Australian Certificate of Education but opposition from states and territories scuttled the plan in 2006.

The OECD report endorses the direction of the Rudd Government's education policies but urges it to intervene to reduce the impact of the global recession on young people, who have borne the brunt of previous downturns.

The latest labour force figures released earlier this month showed 245,000 teenagers were not engaged in either full-time work or full-time study.

To avert a big spike in youth unemployment as the global slowdown bites, the OECD says Australia should focus on lifting its rate of students completing secondary school — which is low by OECD standards — and make the Youth Allowance conditional upon finishing, or committing to complete secondary school.

The report also suggests the Government offer financial incentives for indigenous children to attend preschool and extend universal preschool — which the Rudd Government has promised for four-year-olds — to three-year olds.


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发表于 2009-4-21 16:30 |显示全部楼层
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不行吗, 那有的地区的kids 会很难毕业的

发表于 2009-4-21 17:15 |显示全部楼层
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