发表于 2021-3-18 10:52
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去年十月底第一次有了分地的想法,于是找council免费的urban planner聊了十几分钟,了解了一个大概,就无知者无畏的踏上了这条不归路。
十一月中委托了申请DA的consultant,运气还算不错,这家帮我梳理需要做的事情和委托第三方,很耐心的解答我各种小白问题,也会积极push其他第三方出成果。历经三个月(包括了圣诞前后废掉的一个月),终于拿到DA package。
DA后,在真正的划分地块titling前,是operational works stage,这阶段的主导方变成了civil engineer,也是当时申请DA帮着画图的engineer。这家沟通起来就比当时consultant差远了,也会回答我问题,但不太会提供解决方案。所以现在到论坛问问执行层面的经验。
engineer目前正在根据DA做分地所需的design,我相信他们design工作的专业性,所以暂时不去细谈。我面临的问题是如何完成这个design,势必要找contractor来做各种site works,那么如何找,找几个,先后顺序,这些我就没有了想法。以下是我给engineer询问的信:
I understand we are currently at the design stage of the operational works and then waiting for council approval. Should we start finding contractors to do the site works meantime?
After reading the DA package, the following tasks need to be done related to site works:
•Retaining wall and fence
•filling & excavation
•water & sewerage connection
•crossover & footpath
Are there any other works left behind? Could you please provide a sample of the work scope for tendering purpose?
Should normally all these jobs done by one contractor or different ones? Any certificate or qualification required for the contractor? It would be great if any recommendations on contractors.
现在engineer还没对上述问题进行回答,但我们时间比较紧,想尽快开始接触contractor,好锁定他们的档期。还盼着有经验的朋友帮忙分享下这个阶段的经验。多谢 |