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本帖最后由 mindyfish 于 2021-7-5 21:50 编辑
一月底就弄好了贷款,这家Builder规模很大,由于HB Grant,说今年的项目激增,开工时间可能要延长。OK,我等。二月、三月都没动静,四月底终于开始了,临到跟前说,他们的contractor认为要Traffic Control。
我的房子在A处,一朋友的房子,用的同一个builder,在B处,就没有用到Traffic Control。Anyway,现在同意了这笔开销,但是出帐单后说只给一个总数,没办法告知我:多少工人、用了多少小时、所用到sign之类的cost等明细,这让我很恼火,还因为“confidential" 的原因不让我直接找Traffic Control (TC)公司。我现在怎么办好么? 谢谢大家!
从最初的3.5k到今天问我要5.5k,还给不了Itemized Invoice。我应该怎么办呢?有朋友知道哪个机构是做traffic control evaluation的么,会提供TC的细节: 需要的话,需要几个人、工作几小时,builder 哪些车来的时候是需要的。TC charge这么贵,作为最后付账的人,我当然是想说TC只用实际需要的时间。我的那个Bray Ave是条小路,9点一过,就不怎么走车的,我自己亲历,因为我每天都趴车在那条路上,根本没有什么车来车往。现在多加的两千,理由说是为了卸货:你卸个货,拐个弯(况且我那条街又不是死胡同),要收我两千刀的traffic control?? 说这里面没有TC和site contractor的勾结,鬼才信
有朋友说我的房子和我朋友的地方离得还远,没可比性:最后的traffic control的距离我实地去看过,google上测量的距离顶多也就60m了;我引用我朋友的房子是想说,我们两家距离主路OG路的距离是差不多的。
- 他们在开始TC之前让我say yes to the TC时候说的是:
“Footing contractors have advised that traffic control will be required due to the proximity to the Klemzig interchange, the street is busy and difficult to access with heavy machinery.
We will require this for a minimum of four days for siteworks.
There will be parking control and traffic direction, plus potentially closure of the street for short periods of time.
The additional cost will be a PC sum of $3,500 which I will raise in a variation shortly. You will receive this via docusign. ”
-从上周开始他们切割土、埋管道,到今天灌水泥,我都去看了,数着他们用traffic control (太麻烦了下文就都用TC吧),上周用了3天,加上今天的一天,总共是4天;
-之前就觉得这个TC 没有在一开始就加到quotation,时至今日贷款额都改不了了,告诉我又要几千到可能以后要上万的TC费用,我就很生气了,complain了很多,最后接受了“您就是不幸的千分之十的客户 who need the TC/ 这个不是普遍需要的费用所以一开始我们没加进来”, 然后说会给账单明细。到今天customer services officer打电话告诉我,要三千五预估要涨到五千五,还给不了detail的账单,我就非常生气了:为什么告知不了其中明细?作为一个大建筑商,你们不也要评估自己的contractor给的账单是否合理么?
同意TC之前,我也有上网查询并挑了几家交通管制公司进行询价、联系了消费者协会(他们只是在房屋建造好之后有质量问题时才介入,不在建筑阶段介入也不对建筑合同报价调合,然后让我可以去咨询Legal Service,说这事儿得看合同条款;然后我打电话给法律援助,没啥用,只能提供普遍的法律建议,我这个很细节,只能打电话去law society让他们介绍专业负责建筑合同的律师问问意见,然后我打电话去law society,拿了俩律师的电话,把这档子事儿分别说了两遍,一个说会转达让我等律师的回复,另一个直接给我转接律师了,一老头儿律师跟我说,要确定:根据合同的哪项他们可以现在再涨价、三千五都是具体的哪些、之后还会再收费么、把交流的都发邮件写下来、我的工程什么时候开始。临了告诉我:律师咨询收费500刀一小时(这次的咨询不收费)。—— 现在有些纳闷:这边的消协 (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, ACCC)只插手质量问题,不管乱收费么?建筑合同的制式合同不会规定费用增长的上限么?现在想要一个detail点的账单都说可能没办法提供:这合理么? 能跟ACCC投诉么??
============25/05/2021 收到invoice后的更新=====================
我今天看到发票了,hour rate没有猫腻,market price, 125/hr. 非常可笑的是,5.5 才打地基第一天,它4.29还要收我7小时, 一千刀下去了,还是engineer manager approved:所以engineer manager是个摆设么? 一点都不verify, 一群毫无教养的tradie要TC就TC,给了发票就给钱,我pay你overhead,不说给些附加值多的service 就算了,能不能就纯粹perform duty,干好活,别给顾客添乱。明天local的同事陪我一起去他们办公室找management.
I see no reason in the reply and the attached invoice and highly doubt if anyone verified it.
Please ask Amelia (who approved this traffic control invoice), addressing my questions below directly. Or the site manager Steve Preston. Sorry but I don’t want to hear your reply as you don’t know what was going on there and I don’t want to pass my anger to you:
1. On 29/04/2021 – I even did not have a chance to speak with Kalya (I talked to her over phone on 03/05/2021, see the attached email) and not sign the traffic control document. Plus, no one worked on site on that Thursday. How come there is traffic control on 29/04/2021? Based on the $125.14/hr rate (I calculated from another invoice $1,001.12 for 8 hrs), that quiet day you charged me for 7 hours????
2. How dare the traffic control charged me by 9 hours on 05/05/2021 Wed? I am surprised to see that they have the nerve to claim that they even worked overtime on my block.
Because around 9:10 am, I saw the two crew performing the ‘traffic control’ – they were sitting, playing/checking mobile, lollipop sign was leaning next to the truck, and the block of land was still quiet - no handyman commenced the job and no car driving by (the same as my council replied – Bray Ave. is quiet!). So you are telling me that the traffic control guys managed the ‘traffic’ before 9:00 when it was unnecessary and they are actually not performing their job but charged me for almost $1.3k per day? Is that the way they how make a fortune?
Neglect of duty traffic control guys: one was busy reading his mobile and the other was resting – I just realized that even occasionally a car passed by, he just watched it to pass and did nothing- so it is called ‘Traffic control’?
Could you please tell me: what on earth they are controlling ?
The sunset of 05/05/2021 was 5:29 pm; there was no working lightening set up on site so should finish the job already: They worked for 9 hours so basically they started the job as early as 8:00 am? But the ‘heavy machinery’ was not coming even on 9:15 am, so you just wasted the customer’s money for hours? That’s how Statesman Homes value their customer?
3. Regarding your reply: ‘Upon investigation, it was determined by our footing contractor that due to limited access…..They have noted the street is busy’ —— Firstly, I forwarded you my council’s reply that advising the street is not busy by quoting only 479 vehicles per day while OG Road has 21,600 vehicles per day. Did you forwarded council’s reply to the contractor and advising them there is no need for traffic control on my behalf? You don’t allow me to contact the contractor not even the site manager. Then have you on earth passed my words to them? I requested to see the communication evidence.
Secondly, footing stage has finalized, why you are still quoting the footing contractor’s decision? You increased the PC sum by $2,000 for the next stages. Why footing contractor again? Have you ever taken customers’ enquiry seriously?
I’d like to talk to your management regarding my questions, who can provide me the actual and reasonable answer.
我一FT worker,天天上班的事儿就忙得不可开交了,现在盖房子这事儿那事儿,真的觉得人生暗淡无光。
刚才大概数了数,OS list还有以下:(因为sales是我一朋友,告诉我他们公司driveway, pathway,铺瓷砖,landscaping,太阳能安装的收费都比较贵,所以一开始都给credit掉了,搞得我还得自己弄)
4.太阳能 (有大大知道2018年之后,政府要求安装太阳能的话还得reinforce roofing么?还是说standard-comply built 的房子就可以直接装太阳能了?大家2020-2021年之间安装的太阳能,6.6kw的,总共装好花了多少钱呢?板子和逆电器用的都是哪些品牌的呀?)
我最后在朋友的建议下去了product review的网站找到了我builder 写了篇大作文,图文并茂,嗯,之后我有一天看到他们放了traffic control bollards, 然后没再有新的invoice发给我(虽然也有可能是打算攒到最后一起秋后算账。。。)
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