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https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/ ... ary-820#Eligibility
Have a sponsor
You and anyone who applies for the visa with you must have a sponsor when you lodge your application and when you are on this visa.
Your sponsor is usually your partner.
We must approve your sponsor.
然后在sponsor的申请表(Form 40SP)上有如下要求,就是如果父母一方在2019.7.1后获批的付费类父母签证,如果在获批签证时两人的婚姻关系在存续中,这个人五年内不能担保另一方配偶签证。
在申请表Form 47PT https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/form-listing/forms/47pt.pdf 问题23中也有说明。
If you are a current or previous contributory parent category visa holder
If you have been granted a permanent contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009, you are unable to sponsor a person for a partner or fiancé(e) visa for 5 years from your visa grant date if you were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date you were granted the contributory parent category visa.
There are some exceptions to this limitation if you can provide compelling reasons. Compelling reasons may include if your partner was unable to migrate with you because of a major family illness or other significant obligations, other than financially-related obligations. In this situation, the Department expects that you will be able to provide evidence of a change in circumstances that now allows your partner to apply for the Partner or Prospective Marriage visa.
你在系统申请了配偶签证后,那个体检是系统按照签证要求自动生成的,不是人工干预的结果。一般都是先申请sponsor,approve了之后再去申请签证。 |