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莫名的从9月开始发低烧 做了所有得检查 都是没有发现 然后被refer给了一个 General Medicine specialist, 做了 Pet CT 检查出肝部有个Small focal metabolically active lesion in the region of hepatic segment 5/6 concerning for a neoplasm. An MRI may clarify its nature. 然后做了MRI,结果显示 不好意思 直接copy了
1.4cm lesion in segment 6 of liver as described remains indeterminate on MR. It is not classical for a benign process like haemangioma or focal
nodular hyperplasia. Enhancement pattern is not typical for hepatoma. In the given clinical context of fever and the fact the lesion was indiscernible on
recent CT abdomen of 13/9/2024, it could reflect a focus of evolving infection. Solitary metastasis is unlikely but not excluded.
Correlation with blood counts, inflammatory and tumor markers is recommended. Targeted ultrasound of the lesion with a view to biopsy of the
lesion maybe considered. Suggest Gastroenterology review.
医生把我refer给了肝病specialist 然后还没约上 但是大致就是得做穿刺活检 想问问有没有在澳洲做过这个得? 有什么风险吗? 现在父母极力反对做 因为中医说没事, 自己反正有点怕~~
谢谢了 |