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因主要的买家们缺乏信心, 使地产中介手中待售的房子“积压成堆“。
因生息和银行收紧贷款政策, 地产的消售受到很大的打击。
上周的拍卖的清空率在悉尼和Melbourne分别是51.7% 和54.8%, 根据澳州房产检控数据:大量的房主在拍卖终结前收回房产。
在悉尼 61栋房产被房主收回, 198栋在拍卖时成交, 低于上周的247栋, 在
Melbourne 160栋在拍卖时成交, 比上周少100家, 比两周前的426家低很多。
在Melbourne 331家流拍, 说明 房主的心理价位没有达到。
澳州房地产所的主席David Airey 责备市场的委靡不振是因为利率上升使人们信心不足引起的。 这时中介手中房产积压。
如在Perth:目前有17500家房产待卖, 这比常规的需求多501%。
Glenn Tilling 和 Tracee Rowe 曾对他们的Malvern房产在上周拍卖非常有信心, 但房子被流拍, 因没有人竞拍。
Rising interest rates add to homes stockpile
REAL estate agents have a huge stockpile of unsold properties as potential buyers lose confidence.
Sales are being hit due to rising interest rates and banks tightening their lending to would-be purchasers.
Auction clearance rates in Sydney and Melbourne over the weekend were 51.7 per cent and 54.8 per cent respectively, according to Australian Property Monitors, with many vendors withdrawing their properties before they went under the hammer, The Australian reports.
Sixty-one properties were withdrawn in Sydney, where 198 houses sold at auction - down from 247 last week. In Melbourne 160 homes sold under the hammer, 100 fewer than the week before and far fewer than the 426 sold a fortnight ago.
In Melbourne, 331 homes were passed in at auction, indicating vendors' expectations weren't met on the day, according to Real Estate Institute of Australia president David Airey.
Mr Airey blamed the softening of the market on interest rate hikes and said buyers' lack of confidence in the market had resulted in a stockpile of unsold properties.
"In Australia, listing numbers for agents are backing up. The stockpile is huge and it's growing," Mr Airey said.
"In Perth, for example, there are 17,500 properties on the market and that is around 50 per cent above what would be regarded as normal supply.
"We have been saying for some time that the Reserve Bank's interest rate rise has bitten way too hard and they have affected buyer confidence in a significant way and they have also affected the buyer's ability to borrow the money to buy the property."
Glenn Tilling and partner Tracee Rowe were confident their home in Malvern, in Melbourne's leafy south-eastern suburbs, would sell at auction on Saturday.
"Spring is always a good time to sell in Melbourne," Ms Rowe said last week.
But the house was passed in at auction without a single bid.
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