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楼主是那个州的? 如果是在维省的话,只要在房子settlement的时候是PR就可以享受这补助。
1. You (or at least one applicant) must be a permanent resident or Australian citizen at the time of settlement or completion of construction of the home.
但还有几项条件:2. 房价不能超过$750,000.00; 3. 买主一定在买房后的12个月里自己住进去,而且至少要住6个月,也就是说,不能马上租出去; 4. 如果有两个或更多的买主,那么每个买主都必须是第一次买房。
2. Please note that for contracts entered into on or after 1 January 2010 the grant will only be payable where the price of the property or construction of the home does not exceed $750,000, except where the contract relates to a home that is on, or to be built on, primary production land.
3. You (or at least one applicant) must occupy the home as your/their principal place of residence for a continuous period of at least 6 months, commencing within 12 months of either settlement or completion of construction (the residency requirement).
4. To be eligible to receive the grant, the SRO must be satisfied that:
You and your spouse/partner have not received a grant in any State or Territory of Australia.
You and your spouse/partner must not have owned residential property, either jointly, separately or with some other person prior to 1 July 2000, in any State or Territory of Australia.
也就是说,如果楼主以前单独买过房,或与丈夫一起买过房,而现在与妈妈一起再次买房。那么你妈妈由于你是不能够享受补助的。但是如果只是你妈妈买房,没有收入/刚拿到PR, 这里的银行不太可能会愿意贷款给她的。除非你们能够一次性付清? |