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That long tunnel of central station

2005-9-6 12:39| 发布者: bulaohu | 查看: 1557| 原文链接

Everyday I walk through the underground tunnel of central station twice. Like most people I hate that tunnel, it's crowded and dirty, noisy, and you will almost always be ambushed by some sales or charity or union or free paper, and of course, FLG. But actually most time it's not that bad; it's just a walk and half of the time it means I'm on my way home.

But I was disturbed by this man and his show - I intentionally missed his face, but if you look at the drawing on top of his puppet, you will know why - how come a Chinese, at this modern age, still try to make a few dollars by displaying such a drawing to the australian public?

Just wondering how many ppl here also walk through that tunnel often......

[ Last edited by horseanddragon on 2005-9-6 at 11:55 AM ]
