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有人看了昨天的Leader版2上的那篇Hit Delete but pay the piper吗?

2005-9-9 17:38| 发布者: 内核 | 查看: 1270| 原文链接


A woman, 22, of Kogarah, found guilty of extorting $20,000 from her former internet lover, will be sentenced later this month.

Angie Ning, and co-offender Shenshen He, were due to be sentenced on September 2 but the sentencing judge took till.

The pair were convicted by a jury and will be sentenced on Friday, September 16.

The jury heard that Ning met the victim, Yuan Jiang, 23, of Homebush, in an online chatroom in July 2002.

They eventually met in person and began a relationship which ended weeks later when Jiang admitted he had a girlfriend.

The prosecution claimed Ning waited two years to exact her revenge when her unsuspecting former lover re-entered the chatroom on April 26 last year.

Ning extracted his address and then sent associate Xiao Yang Yu and his friend, Shenshen He, to abduct Jiang from his Homebush unit. The men drove JIang to Rockdale where they met Ning, who allegedly said he need to pay for cheating on her.

A document was drafted stating that Jiang owed Ning $20,000 for two mobile contracts and living expenses accrued during their brief relationship.

Jiang told the court the document was false but he has signed it out of fear.

Police intercepted phone calls bewteen the victim and his persecutors. They also provided "show money" for him to deliver to Yu and He, who were arrested after the exchange.

[ Last edited by 内核 on 2005-9-9 at 04:51 PM ]
