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Lever-action shotgun disgrace

2016-12-9 16:56| 发布者: nbnbren | 查看: 3781| 原文链接

Lever-action shotgun disgrace

We have received word that lever-action shotguns with a magazine capacity up to five are being move to category B and lever-action shotguns with above five shots will be category D. The decision has been made.

This is a slap in the face of every lawful firearm owner, who has subjected themselves to police vetting and spot checks of their homes for decades. They have done nothing wrong.

It is another slap in the face of every lawful firearms owner who was forced to line up in the streets in 1996 when the Howard Government confiscated family heirlooms in a knee-jerk reaction to what one lunatic did.

Firearm laws are a state-based issue and the Federal Government has no role in this whatsoever. Our leaders are misguided. They have been overly influenced by sad cases from the Alana and Madeline Foundation and Gun Control Australia. And it smacks of political opportunism.

The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party have said there is no evidence of, or history to support that the Adler is a firearm suitable for criminal use.  In addition, with nearly all gun crime being committed with illegal firearms, the length and intensity of the Adler debate is farcical whilst the real firearms issues are being ignored.

“We’ve had to watch whilst the Federal Government fumbles along in its attempts to reclassify technology from the time of Queen Victoria’s reign,” adds Mr Bourman.  “Technology which poses no threat to Australian security or the safety of people on the streets but which does provide a handy tool to those on the front line managing invasive pests in tough parts of the country.”

“If only the current Government would put as much focus on the real problem, which is criminal importation and manufacturing of firearms.  They might then have a chance to improve safety in our communities” says Mr Bourman.  “Instead we have to watch, as they punish people who weren’t creating a problem that doesn’t even exist.”

These people have been given the facts, but have chosen to disregard them all together and play into the hands of the anti-gun lobby. Good policy-making must be based on facts and data but what we have seen today is a purely emotional decision.

This decision makes a mockery of our legislative system. It will not reduce crime rates or improve community safety – lever-action shotguns are simply not used in crime.

Where does that leave everyone who already has a lever-action shotgun? Word is the government wants to force people to forfeit their firearms without compensation. However, state-based law dictates that firearms can only be forfeited in two circumstances: if the firearm been used to commit an offence under the Victorian Firearms Act 1996 or by court order in which a firearm is used in crime and required as evidence.

We could smell a rat months ago when we were stonewalled by bureaucrats and state leaders. Despite our best efforts, and despite the efforts of one million firearm owners across the country, our leaders have failed us.

Make your disapproval known to your local member and the Police Minister. Be polite but make it clear how disappointed you are and how much this will impact them at election time.
