一个悲伤的故事: 一个高中少年,玩扑克赢了三个比特币,杠杆炒币一年,最多时300个比特币,这个月清零了。 https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin ... ng_this_past_month/ 所以,长话短说,一年前我开始杠杆交易,一直坚持杠杆做多,从币价1K到到19K(有时候卖在最高价,有时下车太早或太迟,但只是挣多挣少) 我把从打牌时赢来的3个比特币,炒成了将近200个比特币(BTC),最高点时值400万美元,当前价格也有200万美元。 我自我感觉是一个交易天才,是炒币之神,无所畏惧,一切尽在掌握。乐极生悲,这,就是悲伤的起点。 在从19k到11k的下跌之后,我在底部杠杆做多,并且在反弹到12k 13k,14k的时候,不断加仓,直到16K的这波死猫反弹,我的位置又是100个比特币的利润。如果此时获利离场,资产就是300个比特币。我增大杠杆,继续加仓。由于加仓均价已经高了很多,所以当币价下跌到12K时爆仓,损失了100个比特币的账面利润和近50个比特币的保证金。我的资产狠狠地缩水了150个比特币。 经过评估复盘,我得出的结论是,泵到16K是死猫反弹,币价正在走低。所以我开始做空。在12K做空。在13K做空。在14和15K继续加仓那做空。在17k顶部爆仓被清算。再次损失了50个比特币。资产降至100个比特币。 这时我想一想,既然17K做出更高的高点,应该是回到上升趋势。再次杠杆做多,在13K爆仓。 只剩下50 BTC。我心如死灰,茫然若失,不知所措。一直等待币价下降到9K后反弹,我认为这可能是底部。在11500做多,在10500时恐慌关仓,.当币价涨到13K时,我恨不得踢自己,后悔当初恐慌出逃,在12800再次做多。 今天早上我的最后一个比特币清零了。 3个比特币,到200个,到0 在这个时候,我仍然感到不可思议,过去几个月,我忽视了人际交往和去学校上学。 我一直在生活在白日梦里,过着百万富豪的生活。 现在,我一无所有。 我分享自己的经历,是让别人引以为戒,不要那足以改变自己生活的钱去冒险。 我不需要同情,不需要捐款,不需要可怜,不需要打赏。 我不会贴钱包地址,请不要私信我。 我不想再听到比特币这个词,因为我想忘记这一切。 So, long story short, I started trading a year ago, been margin longing the whole run from 1k to 19k ( sometimes closing the top, sometimes closing too early or too late, but always making profit) I turned 3 lowly btc which I had from playing poker (at the time 3k) into nearly 200 BTC which was almost 4 million at the top and would be 2 million at current prices. I thought I was a trading genius, a god, whatever. Anyway, this is where the sadness starts. After the dump from 19k to 11k I went long at the bottom, and kept adding to my position on the bounce to 12k 13k, 14k. Then, at the 16k dead cat, my position was a further 100 BTC in profit. Instead of closing then and having a total 300 BTC, I increased leverage and increased my position size. This entire position was liquadated on the drop back to 12k, because my entry had moved up so much. I lost 100 btc paper profit and nearly 50 BTC margin. I was devasted, and down to 150 BTC total. After evaluating the situation, I came to the conclusion that the pump to 16k was a dead cat and that we are going lower. Therefore I shorted. At 12k. Added at 13k. Added at 14 and 15k. Got liquidated at the top at 17k. Another 50 BTC loss. Down to 100. Think, ok we made a higher high at 17k, uptrend back on. Went long. Got liquidated at 13k. 50 BTC left. Devastated, unsure, no clue whats going on. Sat through the drop to 9k, when we bounced I thought it could be the bottom. Longed at 11500, panic closed 10500. When we went to 13k I was kicking myself for panic closing, went long at 12800. Liquidated this morning for my last bitcoin. 3 BTC to 200, to 0 At this time I am still in shock, the last few months Ive neglected relationships and school, and Ive been daydreaming about living the high life rich as 不雅 with my millions. Now, I am nowhere. Posting this so others dont gamble away life changing money. Dont want donations or tips not posting an address dont PM me. I never want to hear the word btc again because I want to forget |