发的回复完全不理我,一发去GOOGLE REVIEW就回了。 说我居然是他们10年来没见过这么脏的房子??? 狗毛还黏在家具上? 墙上?一地板上? 之前我叫他们给我发他们所谓的很脏的照片,也完全不给予回复。 现在吃亏就在我没有拍房间里面的照片,只留下了一张厨房的照片。 这样的事情,凭他们单方面的说辞,就是各种脏乱差。 还能怎么解决?不为别的,就是要挣这口气。 我不允许我做了干干净净的房子,被他们这样污蔑。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://goo.gl/maps/w6ymJ3Vgcjk1BewF7 找了半天,没有找到AIR BNB上面有投诉的地方。 在GOOGLE上面写了这个中间的REVIEW,欢迎大家激情点赞。 全部评论如下: A very unpleasant experience with this agency. My friends and me had a short stay in one of their houses few days ago with our dogs as they post it as a "dog friendly" house. Our dogs are very quite during our stay. And we got up 2 hours earlier than usual to clean the kitchen and vacuum the floor. I can make sure the floor and carpet are clean and free from any dog hairs. We make sure we clean everywhere even we already paid for the cleaning fee. The picture is the kitchen after we cleaned. However, the agency said " EVERYTHING WAS COVERED BY DOG HAIR AND VERY DIFFICULT TO REMOVE". If you don't like any dog in your house, don't put it as "dog friendly". I'm not even sure they went to the house on their own? I don't expect them to say thank you to my cleaning. But they owe me an apology!!!! Addition I asked you to send me the photos to approve what you said here. But you just ignore me. However, I'm so lucky as I still keep the photos after our cleaned as I sent it to my friends. There's not a single piece of garbage in the house . All the supplies are sorted and put away for you. All the floors have been vacuumed. Worst case scenario in a decade? Then I'm really surprised that everyone else left after they helped you decorate the house? I don't accept apologies like that at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 因为想带着狗去DINNER PLIAN看雪,在AIR BNB上面订了山脚的一套DOG FRIENDLY的房子。定之前也是确认过狗可以去的。 过程也很愉快,带着狗去看了雪。晚上住在里面狗也安安静静,一声没叫。、 因为是雪橇犬,多少会掉毛。走的那一天,提早2小时起床,开始清理厨房和吸地板。除了床铺没有叠被子,用过的浴巾放在浴室地上,基本干净到直接MOVE IN都没有问题的地步。 结果却收到中介评价,说“everything was covered by dog hairs, and hardly to remove." 我都不懂了,这是我瞎了,还是中介瞎了?读书时候刚过几年清洁,我按着我干清洁的标准去看,完全没有问题。虽然不能说一根狗毛没有,但是要找到,也得趴在地上细细看,也许能发现一二。 而且为了让她们知道我们做过卫生,吸尘器里面的毛没有倒掉,特意留给他们看。只是清理了所有厨余垃圾。 只可惜,做完卫生没有拍照证明,只是拍了一个厨房照片给我提前离开的朋友,没有室内照片。这是做完卫生后的厨房. 感觉这个中介见了鬼了,要是一根狗毛不要,不要写DOG FRIENDLY好了。 找到了做卫生的时候和朋友的聊天记录。不是我一个人做的卫生,是几个人一起做的。不是片面之词。也是退房当天的聊天记录。 [attachimg]2052362[/attachimg 特别是,自己花了2小时做卫生,一句感谢都没有,还被骂了。心里堵着慌。 |