Bill Porter 说到,诗是发自心灵的声音。what poetry does everywhere,it gives the human heart a voice! 他说的是《诗经》中的《野有蔓草》。 剑是一寸短一寸险,而诗中,传说越短越难写, 五言已是很难,四字短短,写尽心中的歌。而这首朴拙的爱情诗,却写尽了对心中女神的歌咏。清扬邂逅之美,悠远,难怪回响千年。李白写给地球的情诗夸之又张,而诗经中这首朴而拙。象极了露珠般晶莹的人心。 野有蔓草 The Countryside Is Home to Vines 野有蔓草 , The countryside is home to vines 零露漙兮。 with sparkling drops of dew 有美一人, and home to a beautiful girl 清扬婉兮。 with clear and lovely eyes 邂逅相遇,meeting unexpectedly 适我愿兮。my wishes are fulfilled 野有蔓草,The countryside is home to vines 零露瀼瀼。with shimmering drops of dew 有美一人,and home to a beautiful girl 婉如清扬。with lovely and clear eyes 邂逅相遇,meeting unexpectedly 与子皆臧。how good to be with you |