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AMEB 4月14日开始可以在线考试

2020-3-31 21:01| 发布者: Chimpanzee | 查看: 3425| 原文链接

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Video Repertoire exams available from 14 April

AMEB Victoria is pleased to announce that Repertoire exams by video will be available from 14 April.

Exam requirements

The requirements of a video Repertoire exam are the same as the requirements for a face-to-face Repertoire exam, as published in the 2020 AMEB Manual of Syllabuses.

For Level 1 Repertoire exams (Preliminary to Grade 4), candidates must prepare four works: 3 List works + 1 Own Choice work of similar standard.

For Level 2 Repertoire exams (Grades 5 to 8), candidates must prepare five works: 3 List works + 2 Own Choice works of similar standard.

Please refer to the 2020 Manual of Syllabuses for details of examination requirements, including maximum performance times (individual syllabuses are available for purchase on AMEB Connect at a cost of $8.95 including GST).

Where a work requires accompaniment, it must be presented with the published accompaniment, otherwise the musical performance will lack coherence and stylistic integrity. For many AMEB Grades, recorded accompaniments are available for use in rehearsals and examinations. (AMEB is in discussions with APRA/AMCOS to seek an interim solution to the social distancing limitations that might impact upon ‘live accompaniment’ for higher grades.)

Exam preparation and enrolment

1. The teacher selects a program of work and sets an ‘examination date’. The ‘examination date’ will be the target date for the recording. This will provide a clear goal for the student to work towards. Of course, the recording date can be deferred, by the teacher, according to circumstances at the time.

2. One week prior to the recording date, the teacher, the parent or the candidate if over 18 years, enrols for the examination on AMEB Connect. Enter candidate enrolment details; select Series 60 Video Repertoire Exam; select the syllabus from the list (only available Repertoire subjects will appear); select the Grade; and confirm the enrolment.

3. The enroller will receive a confirmation of enrolment with details of the process for submitting the recording (click here for the guide to recording a Repertoire Exam performance).

4. Complete the recording following the instructions provided. Note that the examination performance must be recorded in one ‘take’: one continuous recording with no editing. A declaration will need to be provided, stating that the performer is the person named on the enrolment and that the examination performance was recorded without any assistance, other than from an accompanist, as required.

5. When the recording is ready for submission, upload the recording to YouTube as an unlisted video and note the link (URL) to be pasted into the submission form. This form will be available on the AMEB website. The enroller will provide details of the examination performance, including the works performed, the supervisor’s declaration, and the link to the video recording on YouTube.

6. When completed, click on ‘submit’ to forward the form to AMEB Victoria. The video Repertoire Exam performance will be assessed by a AMEB Specialist Examiner.

8. Once the assessment has been made, the report and result will be available on AMEB Connect and the appropriate certificate will be mailed to each successful candidate. The turnaround time will vary from two to four weeks, depending on the volume of examinations.
