以下内容来源于网络,尽可能的保证真实。。。 已宣判,2.5年守行令 https://www.oursteps.com.au/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1690721&extra= 更新中。。。。 7/5 更新… 老板大人等测试结果,没有出席.. ref: ACCUSED BUBBLE TEA SHOP SLAPPER FAILS TO FRONT COURT DUE TO COVID TEST. The man accused of striking a worker at a Chinatown tea shop has done a no-show at court because he’s waiting on results from a COVID test. Businessman Gavin Guo, 39, failed to front for his first appearance over the alleged assault that went viral in a video posted online in February. The video shows staff member Rose Park, 22, slapped hard across the face while working at FunTea on Gouger St. It’s understood the altercation occurred after an argument between Ms Park and her boss over wage theft claims. A second man, which police allege is Guo, then slaps Ms Park in the face. She retaliates by throwing her handbag, before she gets kicked in the stomach and falls to the ground. The court hearing has been rescheduled for July. BUBBLE TEA OWNERS BREAK SILENCE The owners of the bubble tea store where a young woman was assaulted have released a statement about the incident. They say the female employee was allegedly struck by a customer, who was in no way related to the store. The owners are also claiming it was not connected to a pay dispute, and the "incident arose after a previous verbal argument which the female employee had with the customer." 承认了是雇员,不承认给低工资,认为打架是雇员和顾客的纠纷。。。 准备赔付的豪宅信息有了,好豪呀 ![]() 郭磊 Gavin Guo 内蒙古赤峰人 生日1981年3月31日 名下房产: 12 Taylor st. Parafield Gardens, SA 5107 76 Dunrobin RD. Hove SA 5048 名下公司: 宏远建筑 HONG YUAN CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD ABN:84133075895 地址: 85 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000 SA 电话: 0417 001 604 公司电话: 08 8338 3227 他老婆叫Gina 电话: 0431744708 邮箱: Gavin712@hotmail.com 路虎神豪 QQ: 249034739 微信:gavinguo712 房屋出租的中介就是背后大议员的公司 搞到一点公司信息,待查证。。。 本地新闻媒体的报道。有老大议员的回应。。 [yt]BzPDgn5SQF4[/yt] 重要更新:GUO飞腿已被拘捕,已经保释。 5月7号开庭。欢迎大家旁听。女主未被拘捕。是不是靠山候议员的担保。。。 据说是女主linkedin https://au.linkedin.com/in/gina-qi-729b3583 待验证。。。 警方在寻找施暴者们.... 请大家提供线索.. Ref: 下图链接 各位看官请注意: 打人者为Guo 姓夫妇 图片在450楼,感谢提供 原来后台议员是 一Hou 姓 地产公司 老板 议员 和流氓是朋友....有图有真相。详见373楼,感谢热心网友的提供 公开介绍,非隐私 简介: https://www.cityofadelaide.com.au/about-council/your-council/lord-mayor-and-councillors/simon-hou/ 公司:http://www.dgrealestate.com.au/agent-profile?agent_id=1557 FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012032862303 打人电话: 0417001604 工作电话,不涉及隐私 公司地址:3 Glyde street Glen Osmand SA 5064 公司注册地址,不涉及隐私 ![]() 本地台有关注 https://twitter.com/9NewsAdel/status/1356420243388682240. 没有马萨克 https://7news.com.au/news/sa/man-slaps-and-kicks-woman-over-pay-dispute-at-adelaide-bubble-tea-store-c-2075630 目前当地一名打人者所称的后台议员已发声,其他侨领,领事馆,协会首领 没有发声。。 ps: 倒是前段时间有病毒经常出来bb 英文 Full Translation of the incident in funtea, Adelaide China town https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/la25n7/full_translation_of_the_incident_in_funtea/ ps: 为什么没人给加分? ![]() ![]() 有真容...快欣赏... [yt]u0AZ8gdPLC8[/yt]来来来,上头条 https://youtu.be/u0AZ8gdPLC8 |