华人自由党员们对于ABC这种中立且公正的媒体一向嗤之以鼻,其实华人自由党员们对媒体自由和民主根本一无所知,可能觉得看有澳洲环球时报之称的Sky News旗下媒体就足够了,满足了他们在澳洲也需要找一个皇帝的心愿。 整天嘴里喊着移民要融入澳洲的华人自由党员们是最不融入澳洲的一群人,所有观点基本都和澳洲主流观点相左。 他们梦想的就是过上一种完全无视社会现状,否认不平等和歧视,生活中只和白人打交道,不用交税的生活。 媒体自由是监督政府的重要途径之一,莫里森政权通过操纵舆论掩盖自己的执政无能已经很久了,在媒体自由不断受到威胁的今天,这招确实还是有不少人上当的。 Intimidation works. The ABC is now aware that any news article they produce that is critical of the Government will draw massive political pressure from Government Ministers, if not expensive legal action. Management is, understandably, afraid. This is not workable, our journalists must be fearless. They don't want us to know about it, so please, make sure everyone knows about it. Here is the full article regarding the pulled 4Corners episode: https://amp.smh.com.au/politics/ ... xmqj6bfWuOfWBTyoLB4 Here is the back story to what the episode was about (I've posted about it multiple times): https://www.theguardian.com/aust ... 5Buh27zkduCq5QK3Og0 And here is an example of the heat the ABC receives from politicians any time they do a negative story on the Coalition: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/ ... xUCfz9_V6neyCAiUW_U As for the legal action... we all know what happened, but here is a tweet from the reporter Louise Milligan who is being candid about what must have been a huge emotional stress for her. This is what is happening to too many of our journalists. As brave as Louise is, she is now acutely aware of the personal cost that is carried by any journalist who dares to take on the Government. That must he hard to ignore. https://twitter.com/Milliganrepo ... S3Xgb3NlDZteZBIOzDs |