superloop网站上100/20 plan 优惠了$20, 注册时候,Promo code自动填上了优惠码CONNECTNOW21,旁边还有一referral code,根据superloop的T&C 第四条和第五条, $10 和 $20 优惠不可叠加,只能二选一,那就没必要用referral code了。 4. The Reward available for each successful referral is 10% of plan cost at time of referral (maximum of $10) for 6 months for each successful referral between 1 May 2020 and 31 March 2022 (capped at 100% of the referrer’s monthly invoice) and a $10 discount off the referee’s account per month for their first six months. 5. referee benefit cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions and offers. If a signup is eligible for a promotion and a referee benefit, the one with greatest value to the customer will apply. ... rogram-T&Cs.pdf |