“我们是被迫的”:数千学生家长抗议新州精英学校招生新政 成千上万的新南威尔士州学生们在紧张地等待着他们的精英学校(selective schools)入学考试结果,此前,新州对招生程序进行了重大改革。 北悉尼居民布鲁斯·范(音,Bruce Fan)和许多家长一样,担心自己的孩子可能会因为新政策而错过梦想中的学校。 范先生在网上发起请愿,呼吁政府废除新政策,重新进行公众咨询。 “这个政策对今年已经参加考试的学生都有回溯作用,这是不公平的。” 范先生表示,网上请愿不是要阻止政府帮助弱势群体,而是敦促政府向公共教育系统投入更多资金。 “我坚信需要支持来自弱势群体的学生,但设定这样的一个配额不是正确的解决方法,”他说。 “政府应该在社会经济条件比较差的地方建更多精英学校。” 雅士旺特·德赛(Yashwant Desai)住在悉尼西北地区的Kellyville,他参与的网上请愿已经有约4000个联署。他说新的政策是不公平的。 德赛先生的孩子已经就读于精英学校,他表示:“新政并没给每个人一个公平的机会。” “政府所做的一切只是为了政治上加分,获得更多的同情选票。” 他问道:“为什么只有精英学校被针对?”这呼应了范先生所呼吁的事情,即要求政府加大对弱势学生所在区域公立学校的投资。 2022年,新州精英学校择校入学考试于3月31日举行。 随后,所有参与的家庭必须按照偏好选择最多三所学校作为志愿,并在4月24日前最终决定顺序。 由于新政是在7月份宣布的,今年参加考试的学生在选择学校志愿时无法参考新政的内容。 悉尼南区好市围(Hurstville)居民凯瑞·张(Carrie Zhang)的儿子就是可能受到新政影响的学生之一。 张女士解释说,她的家庭对报考学校志愿是有策略的,而新政会破坏他们的计划。 她说自己的儿子现在可能会错过“保底”学校。 “政府在考试完了之后,而且是我们能够修改学校志愿的那段时间之后修改了政策,”她说。 “如果我们早点知道的话,就可能改变策略选那些分数不要那么高的学校。” 政府表示,没有被弱势学生占用的剩余预留学额将返还给普通报考学生。 但张女士表示,这样做还不够好。 “我儿子的排名会下降的,”她说。 “我们是被迫[接受这个政策],也没有什么选择了。” 声明:本文版权归澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)所有。转载请务必注明出处为“澳大利亚广播公司ABC中文”,并附上原文链接。任何侵犯ABC版权的行为都可能被追究法律责任。 https://www.abc.net.au/chinese/2 ... 8&fs=e&s=cl 补充一下,相关Petition: 1. 要求暂停20% 的政策. 因为学生在考试前没有得到任何通知. 政策的改变是在考试之后. 2. 重新检讨政策,给公众更多的讨论时间,直到达到一个大家都能接受的方案 3. 新的成绩单不透明,家长有权知道更多的细节. 4. 要求政府在全州范围增加20% selective school(class )and OC class的席位给disadvantage student, 而不是reserve20%现有的位置. As you may have heard, the NSW government is planning to overhaul the selective school and OC class admission process and reserve 20% of the places for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. I and many other people in the community strongly believe this is unjust in procedure and unfair in result. First of all, it is extremely unjust to the general public, especially those taking the OC and Selective exams this year and also those who plan to take these exams in the future. This critical policy change is lacking a wide range of stakeholder consultation, and it has been retrospectively implemented on the students who have already sat the Selective and OC exams this year. It is extremely unjust to the 30,000 families this year who deserved to be informed of this policy before making decisions about their children’s future. A good and fair educational policy must be developed in consultation with education experts, the schools and the general public. We all know education is a primary right for each citizen and permanent resident in Australia. However, the DoE and the Minister of Education, Sarah Mitchell has failed to engage with the general public and keep them informed about the implementation and timing of this policy. It is unacceptable for an untransparent and unjust policy to be implemented on such short notice. Secondly, it is unfair to the students who would be potentially selected into the OC and Selective schools. No-one has a choice about which family they are born into, and their right to strive for a better education should not be denied just because they are born into a particular household. Moreover, no-one can guarantee that their family will be able to maintain the same amount of earnings for six years, and even if this were possible, they still have a right to choose between various forms of education – be that public, selective or private. Obviously, the students who would potentially be selected into OC and Selective schools do not come from very wealthy families, or otherwise they would be attending expensive private schools. How else are these students meant to strive for better education for themselves if they cannot enter a selective school through hard work? I firmly believe that we need to support the disadvantaged communities and students, but this quota is not the right solution. The government should set up more Selective and OC classes in lower socio-economic areas, and invest more funding into the public schools in those areas. It is the responsibility of the DoE and the government to create a system to help both all students and communities access better education opportunities. However, the DoE and the Minister have failed to create such a system, and instead they have shrugged off their accountability and placed that burden on regular, working-class students and families. This sudden change is far too hasty and comes as a great shock to students and parents. As such, I hope you can pass on our concerns to the government and lobby them against the enforcement of this policy, to consult the general public's opinion and to invest public funding into schools in disadvantaged areas as a means of benefitting all students across NSW. Instead of reserving 20% of the places, I believe the government should increase student cohorts, of the current Selective and Opportunity Classes, by 20% to fulfil the needs of the disadvantaged students. Thank you for supporting us! https://www.change.org/p/unfair- ... sage-33981589-en-AU |