今天恰巧看到2022 年开始, IB转化Atar 新政策。 Students sitting the IB in Australia from November 2022 Your Combined Rank will be based on your IB Admissions Score (which NSW and ACT students will receive from UAC). The IB Admissions Score will add decimal places to your diploma score based on your average performance within each band of your subject results. For example, you may receive a diploma score of 41, and an IB Admissions Score of 41.75. How we calculate your IB Admissions Score The more detailed information about your performance in each subject, and the IB grades, will be provided by the IB. This information will allow us to determine where your mark falls within the grade. For example, if the boundaries for Grade 6 in Biology SL are marks between 60 and 69, and your mark is 68, we can determine that your position in that grade is high. We will do this for every subject and calculate an average position from across your six subjects. The result will then be rounded using intervals of 0.25. This final number will be your IB Admissions Score. https://www.uac.edu.au/future-ap ... teria/ib-applicants IB Admissions Score Combined Rank 45.75 99.95 45.50 99.95 45.25 99.90 45.00 99.85 44.75 99.80 44.50 99.75 44.25 99.70 44.00 99.60 43.75 99.55 43.50 99.45 43.25 99.35 43.00 99.30 42.75 99.20 42.50 99.10 42.25 98.95 42.00 98.85 41.75 98.70 41.50 98.55 41.25 98.40 41.00 98.25 40.75 98.05 40.50 97.90 40.25 97.70 40.00 97.50 |