波罗的海烧开了锅 升起悚人的泡沫 像远古的海怪 吐出天量的温室气体 和杀气腾腾的 猜忌与谴责 它们在天上重新聚合 形成不详的云朵 等待着时机 向一切罪大恶极的 和清白无辜的人们 等量地降落 《北溪 II》 ©德江 Fred From the Baltic Sea Ginormous foams rise As if spit out By a mythological monster Millions of tons of greenhouse gases And more threatening languages Of questions and exclamations Are to be fused Into ominous clouds Waiting for a time To land equally on everyone No matter hopelessly sinned Or purely innocent “Nord Stream Bombing“ Tr. Dejiang Fred Liu |