公司有个同事工伤了,现在拿的是work compensation 的钱,不干活,每天去公司报道然后看手机。反正大部分人和他的老板对他都不是很满意。这个同事在31号的时候休了个年假,也提交了年假表。我么就是录timesheet 的。我就把他当天的时间录入到年假里面去了。然后payroll 说不对,说这个人如果休work compensation leave 那就不能take annual leave.我说他休假单上写了休年假,我就录年假了。而且系统里面也没有work compensation leave 这个选项。然后就问payroll ,你说我该怎么弄。 然后大老板就跳出来说” please stop, we can not have 5 people trying to work out what a guy should or should not have put on his timesheet. If he cannot check beforehand then it goes down as time off without pay” 。 我的问题是,人家已经写了休annual leave了, 那不就是annual leave 么。 我也刚刚去网上看了一下, fair trade 里面写的“ annual leave can be taken during workers compensation ” 不知道有啥问题。有懂的同学吗?反正我对这方面是一点都不懂的。 Payroll 是这样问的“ If he is off on WC leave, he would not be able to take AL” 。 我回答“ As per his leave form, he ticked annual leave box. Hence, I put his hours unde AL.” 这个员工选了annual leave 为啥payroll 要多问一句。是不是我也有问题啊! |