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关于‘澳大利亚公民出境必须使用澳大利亚护照’, 有人试过用别的护照出境吗

2023-6-6 19:21| 发布者: devsparta | 查看: 3683| 原文链接

今天打电话去了移民局和边境管理局的人工服务, 为了咨询下面的这个上面的信息, 原文如下
Are you a dual national and wondering whether you can leave or return to Australia on your foreign passport instead of your Australian one?

In short, the Department of Home Affairs’ advice is that Australian citizens, including dual nationals, should leave and enter Australia on their Australian passport.

This is because you may experience issues returning to Australia on a foreign passport.  For example, airlines may not allow you to board a plane to Australia without evidence of Australian citizenship or an Australian passport.

If you have a passport from another country, you can use that after you leave Australia.  But you should also be aware that, by entering the country of your other nationality on that country’s passport, local authorities may also not recognise you as an Australian citizen, which may limit the Australian Government’s ability to provide you with consular assistance.

然后我找的operator, 他让我hold了一段时间以后, 跟我说, 他找admission问过了, 这个是advice但是并不是强制

也就是说, 你是澳大利亚公民可以不使用澳大利亚出境, 但是可能的麻烦有:
1, 如果你买了往返机票, 并且机票要求护照号码, 那么你可能在值机的时候因为你提供了不同的护照, 他们会不让你登机, 但是如果你不是往返机票, 回来的时候单独起一班航班, 那么你是可以登机并且离境的.
2, 这个就是离开了澳大利亚之后了, 如果你入境的国家使用的不是澳大利亚签证, 你可能失去作为澳大利亚公民的庇护.

好像就跟我讲了这么多, 然后他让我发一封邮件可以到border force和去得到确切的答复, 但是他说应该不会有不同, 因为他问的是head admission office of passport australia.

上面的是我打电话问询的, 但是没实践过

请问有实践过的小伙伴来讲一下, 如果出境的时候没使用澳大利亚护照, 会被边检拦下来什么的吗或者其他问题.
