为了给孩子renew护照,被告知要申请citizenship certificate. 随之,在Home Affairs网站上看到如下信息,请大侠们帮忙解答一下本人疑惑:为什么birth那一栏有两段话,第一段,我能理解,孩子也符合,但是第二段文字解释,我就迷糊了,是说孩子不仅要满足第一段文字内容,也要满足第二段文字内容,才可以给开citizenship certificate吗? 孩子前10年有3年半不在澳洲,都在中国,那么是可以申请还是不可以申请citizenship 呢?为啥原来都可以申请passport,现在renew, 也被告知要提供citizenship。谢谢。 Birth The applicant became an Australian citizen at birth if at least one of the applicant’s parents was an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia at the time of the applicant’s birth. The applicant may have become an Australian citizen on their 10th birthday if the applicant lived in Australia for the first 10 years of their life, and neither of the applicant’s parents were entitled to diplomatic privileges during this time. |