都是年轻人,应该是非熟练吧。 Registered nurse: $45 an hour x 32 hours a week Treasury analyst and small business owner: ‘$140k a year’ Aldi: ‘$28.50 an hour part-time’ Blind installer: ‘$120,000 a year but about to take over the family business’ Scaffolder: $3k a week after tax Sugar baby: ‘Won’t disclose exactly, but it’s good’ Commonwealth Bank: $75k a year Optometry: “Between $100k and $112k a year” Apprentice plumber: ‘About a grand a week’ Barber: ‘$130k a year working 7 days’ Debt collector: ‘90-something-k a year’ Cook: ‘$32 an hour at 35 hours’ https://au.finance.yahoo.com/new ... ries-032647721.html |