我发现下来600签证居然三年入境有效,最晚截至入境时间是三年后的今天 而且没有8503限制 那是不是说,理论上说我爸妈登录澳洲后,我可以帮他们申请老年父母804 Aged Parent visa 我知道804要等很久,但关键是递交后就马上可以有medicare,等待期间都有medicare? 他们身体尚可,有medicare应该也够了 我没看错把,简直好到不可思议 Application status Visitor (subclass 600): Granted Visa conditions 8501 - Maintain health insurance 8558 - Maximum 12 months stay in 18 months 8101 - No work 8201 - Maximum three months study An explanation of each condition of this Visitor (subclass 600) visa is included in this letter. You can check these conditions at any time by using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service. The four-digit number presented next to each condition above is used in VEVO to identify each condition that applies to this Visitor (subclass 600) visa |