

新足迹 门户 车行天下 查看内容


2024-8-4 10:10| 发布者: daynew | 查看: 781| 原文链接

1 When you are ready . move to the exit .
2 At the exit . turn L/R .
3 At the next street . turn L/R .
4 At the end of street .turn L/R .
5 Next street . turn L/R .then turn R at the first street .

6 At the traffic light . turn L/R .
7 Next traffic light . turn L/R to L/middle/R lane (1车道拐到3车道的路上?)
8 Far left =left
9 Next traffic light . turn R from R lane to right lane .(2车道去2车道的路?)
10 Next traffic light .turn R from left lane to left lane (或 middle lane)(2车道入3车道的路?)

11 When is safe . do three points turn
12 Next traffic light . turn R from M lane to L/M
13 When it’s safe .use red/black/white car do reverse parallel parking
(瑞我斯 派瑞楼 趴king:)
14 When it’s safe ( pull over/park/stop) your car to the kerb
15 When it’s safe move off your car (下车!)

16 Follow the road
17 Next traffic light ,do U turn to L/M/R lane (调头)
18 Next street/median du U turn to …
19When is safe move to L/M/R lane
20 Go straight please

21 At the end of street du U turn (court?)
22At next roundabout :
1turn L
2go straight
3turn right
4do U turn

23 22At next roundabout :
1turn L
2go straight
3turn right
On the left lane

24 When it’s safe we are back to VICroads (from gate 1)

