<----点此申请 (或申请时填写邀请码:Izb470) 历史最高返现! 完成以下三项操作即可获得125刀奖励(邀请人,受邀人各得125刀,9月底截止): 开户存>1000刀+交易5笔+开通5.5%利率的存款账户并转入任意金额。 抓住机会,通常活动只有100刀~~ <----点此申请 (或申请时填写邀请码:Izb470) 附活动邮件原文(有疑问欢迎私信询问): Here's what your friends need to do Friends need to complete the following steps by 30 Sep 2024 using your code Izb470 for both of you to receive the $125 bonus. 1 Open an Orange Everyday at and enter the promo code you give them in the box at the end of the online form. 2 Deposit $1,000+ from an external source into their new Orange Everyday account within any calendar month. 3 Make 5+ settled (not pending) purchases using their new Orange Everyday card within any calendar month. 4 Open a Savings Maximiser (if they don't have one already) and deposit any amount into it. Once all steps are completed we'll pop a $125 bonus into both you and your friends Orange Everyday accounts, up to 30 days after your friend(s) has met all the requirements, in some cases this may take longer. Once in your account you can spend or save however you like, maybe some new shoes or karate lessons.. if that's your thing. Think of it as a little thank you for referring your friend(s) to us. |