前两周去看了次专科医生,看完后我问前台要发票上传medicare报销,但前台说后台会自动refund.已经过去了十多天了都还没refund.发邮件给他们也不回.打电话又说发邮件.我是不是被他们忽悠了? 刚查了medicare返回这个代码是什么意思? 550 - Associated service not claimed - no benefit payable Another service is required to claim this item. Review the claim against MBS lodgement rules and ensure the associated service is included in the re-submission or was submitted in a prior claim. For clarification on the errored claim, contact Medicare on 132 150, selection option 2 and cite the Claim Reference. For MBS rule clarification, contact Medicare on 132 150, selection option 3. If the service is applicable as-is, you may need to resubmit the claim with the appropriate override code. Select the item and under Advanced options, select appropriate override, Service duration or Time of Service and provide a brief explanation in Service text. |