贵族处决流氓 贵族有罪 流氓戕害大众 流氓富贵 当整个世界 黑白颠倒 也沉默不语 甚至数着钞票 沾沾自喜时 众神将彻底放弃 这群污秽的鼠辈 今天,我们将见证 灯塔之下,执法之人 到底如何审判 众人的教父! <众人的教父>- 致路易吉,意大利裔。 ©️Fred Liu The noble executes the rogue— Yet it’s the noble who bears the guilt. The rogue preys upon the masses— And finds himself adorned with wealth. When the world turns black to white, And silence cloaks its every crime, Counting coins in smug delight, It revels in filth, revels in grime. The gods, once guardians, now retreat, Abandoning these sordid mice— Unworthy of the earth they stain, Unworthy of celestial skies. Today, we stand as witnesses, To see if justice finds its voice— To judge the conscience of the law, On this God Father of all! |