请教,如果council对本地建筑没有检查监督的责任,他们如何行使这些权利? 靠builder, PC 自觉找council交罚款和停工改正吗? https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov. ... ns-with-development Powers of local councils To enforce development compliance, local councils have power to issue an order, stop work notice or a fine if building work breaches legislative requirements or conditions of consent. Although a council may choose to exercise its powers even if a private certifier – not the council – is the ‘principal certifier’, in such circumstances the council will often refer the matter to the certifier in the first instance. The council still retains power to act if the certifier cannot resolve the matter (read about private certifier powers above). Urgent non-compliance matters such as dangerous excavation should be directed to the council for immediate attention. |