新洲 25年的land tax surcharge已经收到缴费通知, 但是24年12月就已经回到澳洲工作生活, 这个情况 , 25年的land tax surcharge可以打电话 豁免吗 ? 有没有人是这种情况呢 ? 并且 2019到2023年 有被收interest On tax, 24年还没有这个, 25年的账单就出线了 。 根据大家的分享, 在 revenue nsw网站上面找到了两个例子, 也分享一下 Example 1: Retrospective application for intended PPR exemption on surcharge land tax In 2024 John was assessed for surcharge land tax. John has received a 2023 and 2024 land tax notice of assessment which includes surcharge land tax. In this case 2024 is the ‘current land tax year’, and 2023 was the ‘previous or prior land tax year’. John used and occupied his PPR for a continuous period of 200 days in 2023 and would like to claim the intended PPR exemption from surcharge land tax for the 2023 land tax year. John should update his foreign status details in Land Tax Online and provide a copy of his international movement records for 2023, proving he met the residence requirements. John’s PPR will be exempt from surcharge land tax for the 2023 land tax year and he will not be considered foreign for the 2024 land tax year. Example 2: Current year application for intended PPR exemption on surcharge land tax In 2023 Martha was a permanent resident but was not in Australia for 200 or more days. Martha is considered a foreign person in 2024. In this case 2024 is the ‘current land tax year’, and 2023 was the ‘previous or prior land tax year’. Martha intends on using and occupying her PPR for a continuous period of 200 days in the current land tax year and would like to apply for an exemption from surcharge land tax on her home. Martha should update her land tax details and foreign status in Land Tax Online and provide a declaration on the intention to use and occupy the property for 200 continuous days in the current land tax year. Martha’s PPR will be exempt from surcharge land tax for the current land tax year. When you need to apply By 31 March of the relevant land tax year or by the due date of your notice of assessment. |