悉尼的the Daily Telegraph去年曾经报道过超过60%NSW高中生的学校老师没有相应的教学职称,特别数学领域情况最为糟糕。 在NSW,大概每五个学校里有一个学校声称他们学校里至少有一位数学老师是不够教学资格的。 现在澳洲的学生数学水平正在落后于其他国家。 在这样的背景下,悉尼Northern Beach的Davidson High School的学生和家长投诉Year 12的学生没有数学老师,学生们被要求自己在网上自学。 这大大的激怒了学生的家长们,因为Year 12的学生都在面临HSC考试的压力。 不只是Davidson High School一所高中有这样的情况,教育部的发言人声称学校在非正常情况下采取这样的措施是可以理解的。 事实是,到2012年,有16000名老师面临退休,到2016年这个数学将会增加到25000名。可以预见这样的糟糕状况会越来越多。 DIY website is new class teacher http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au ... reuy9-1225830268754 FURIOUS parents from Davidson High School, on Sydney's Northern Beaches, are demanding the Education Department explain why their children have been abandoned without a qualified 2-unit maths teacher for the first month of Year 12. Education officials told parents the situation was not a one-off and there were year 12 classes at other high schools without teachers. One mother Cheralyn Darcey said she was "disgusted" to learn her daughter's class has been forced to learn from a DIY internet maths site. "It's disgraceful. This situation is jeopardising all of these students' futures," Mrs Darcey said. "There was enough money to spend tens of thousands on a fence around the school over Christmas but they can't find the funds for a teacher." Mrs Darcey claimed department area manager Dean White, told her: "I know it's no consolation but this class at Davidson High School is not the only Year 12 class without a teacher at the moment." Mrs Darcey said: "Our daughter is a very studious child with long-held dreams to attend Sydney University next year and she's very worried, as are her 16 classmates." Teachers Federation president Bob Lipscombe said the problem was symptomatic of a teacher shortage predicted by the auditor-general two years ago. "He said 16,000 teachers would be reaching retirement age by 2012 and 25,000 by 2016," Mr Lipscombe said. " There was likely to be shortages in a number of specialist subject areas including maths and, in some areas, even English. "The Government must move to address this problem." Davidson MP Jonathan O'Dea said the situation was "appalling." "It's totally unacceptable. It reflects both Labor's twisted priorities and mismanagement of school education. Opposition spokesman for education, Adrian Piccoli called on the government to act urgently. "It's about time the government got down to the simple business of making sure qualified teachers are in the classroom." A spokesman for Education Minister Verity Firth said:"From time to time unexpected situations can arise in schools which require temporary measures such as this." The situation at Davidson High School comes after The Daily Telegraph last year reported students in almost 60 per cent of high schools were being taught by unqualified teachers, with mathematics one of the worst-hit subjects. The disturbing number of teachers working in areas outside their expertise was uncovered in a survey of 1473 principals across Australia. One in five schools in NSW said they had at least one maths teacher who was not fully qualified. Australia is falling seriously behind other nations in mathematics. Greater emphasis was needed to lift standards in schools. The Davidson class lost their teacher when she retired last year and a replacement worked for one day before accepting "a better offer at a private school". |