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2010-8-27 23:02| 发布者: micfox001 | 查看: 693| 原文链接 ... 9niix-1225910356090

TONY Windsor has given the clearest signal yet that he could back a minority Labor government, despite polling showing his electorate would prefer the Coalition.

And the independent MP has described Mr Abbott's stance on submitting Coalition costings to Treasury as “silly”.

Mr Windsor also held a private meeting with Greens leader Bob Brown and new Greens MP Adam Bandt in Parliament House this morning.

Mr Windsor dismissed a Galaxy Poll in News Limited tabloids, published today, that showed the majority of voters in his electorate - as well as those of fellow independents Rob Oakeshott and Bob Katter - wanted the trio to back the Coalition.

“I haven't seen it, I've heard about it, I don't think much about it,” he said.

“I'm getting a bit of both, more [advice] out of the electorate than in it.

“If you ask them [people] the same question, do you want a parliament that lasts for three years with your member in there that could mean an enormous difference to regional Australia, irrespective of who is in government, they would probably say yes.”

Mr Windsor was speaking after the Coalition leader today cited a Treasury leak during the campaign as a reason for not agreeing to the independents' request for the costings.

Last night, Mr Katter who, along with Mr Windsor and Mr Oakeshott, could determine who forms government, asked: “What's Tony got to hide?”

Asked if he thought Mr Abbott was angling for another election, Mr Windsor said “he leaves himself open to all those interpretations”.

“I don't know what his agenda is, he seemed quite keen to be prime minister yesterday and so did Julia Gillard but that is one inference that has to be there,” Mr Windsor said today.

“The obvious one is that the costs are wrong and they will be shown up to have gone to the polls with something that isn't right.”

Mr Windsor said Mr Abbott had made the point during the meeting - which he accepted - that “Treasury may not understand what they actually meant in terms of what the policy was and how it would be rolled out and what it would cost [he said] let's get Joe Hockey in the room and explain the differences to us”.

As counting continues in the three marginal seats of Brisbane, Hasluck and Corangamite, Mr Windsor said he had had a good meeting with the Greens.

“We talked about a number of issues, the relationship between the House and the Senate, the Liverpool Plains coal mining stuff, I wanted to pick his brains in terms of the application of the two health policies too, in relation to local boards and regional boards,” he said

“That's some of the details we want to get into next week, there are some real issues there where their is virtually no detail.”

Mr Windsor will likely share the balance of power in the lower house with Mr Katter and Mr Oakeshott, Greens MP Adam Bandt and green-leaning independent Andrew Wilkie.

Mr Windsor said yesterday at the National Press Club that he supported action on climate change and the minerals resource rent tax - positions broadly supported by Mr Oakeshott and the Greens.

The quintet of independents will be crucial in deciding who is able to form government.

Senator Brown's office confirmed that the meeting had taken place, but would not comment on the meeting.
